Thursday, December 27, 2007

Early Up, Early Down

Sadly, mosts traces of Christmas were removed from the house today. The decorations and tree were packaged away until next year. Noemi helped me and we got it almost all knocked out this morning. It's amazing how much faster it goes with someone helping. Max was a trooper and just watched sound of music and played while we worked...that is until we actually took apart the tree and started/tried to put it in the box. Then, he pitched a fit. In no uncertain terms, he did not want the tree put away. He stood in the way, climbed in the box, and told us "NO" in every way possible. And still, it did get done. Even tonight, he was asking where the tree went and said he wanted it to come back. It made me sad. I really wished I could have left it up a bit longer, but the way New Year falls, today was really the only day I could tackle it before I have to go back to work next week and January, especially that first week, is going to be exceedingly busy work wise. Unless, I wanted to try to take everything down by myself while also trying to watch Max, which I did not want to do, it had to get done today.

At least I was able to get it up early (been up since the week before Thanksgiving) and we had a long time to enjoy it, even if it wasn't quite long enough for either Max or I.

I think Noemi may know or suspect that I'm pregnant, although she hasn't asked me directly. She was a tad too coddling today. Not wanting me to stand on the stool and making sure she did all of the moving and heavy lifting. I mostly let her. Still, I was ready for a nap when we were through.

The house always looks so empty and blah once the Christmas season is over.

In other news, I'm starting to feel some of that early pregnancy tiredness. Until today, I had planned on letting Noemi have another 4 day weekend, but am seriously thinking about having her come on Monday and only giving her Tuesday off. Partially so I can make sure I can get a bit of a break, but mostly so the house/floor cleaned. It just gets too trashed after 5 days and I may have a few people over on New Years eve, if I don't take my mom up on the offer to watch Max so I can go out, which if I do will only be for dinner. I just think I'll be ready to see her by Monday, especially if Max is sick all weekend.

Max is sick again. At least, he has a fever, although he seemed to be feeling mostly fine, if you don't count the fact that he didn't want to leave the house for anything today and was perfectly happy to just hang around with both Noemi and I and cuddle on the couch and play with some of his Christmas presents and read books with me after Noemi left until bedtime. I got several unsolicited "I love you mommy"'s accompanied by big hugs tonight. Ah, it doesn't get any better than that.

As I was putting away Christmas for this year, I couldn't help but think to next Christmas and hope that I have another bundle or two of joy to celebrate with us and that I'm tired and stressed and trying to find the energy to get ready for Christmas for another year with a new baby/babies in the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you are really efficient! i don't even have the energy to take my tree down!!!! i'm thinking i'll do it this weekend but only after several naps! *wink*
happy new year!