Sunday, November 18, 2007

Check, Check, Check

Today's cycle calendar said to expect period. And, it came, right on schedule. Okay, it said that for yesterday as well. But, hey, it showed up on one of the two expected days. I think it's an omen that this cycle is going to go exceedingly well. With my period, came an end to my energy high I've been on all week and a general feeling of blah and bloat. Sadly, I had a full day and just had to suck it up. Good thing Max is on the mend and feeling a lot better today. I'm not sure I had it in me to be as lovey dovey as I have the last few days. Sure, I would have sucked it up if I had to and he was a tad whiny and grumpy still, but he slept great last night and for his nap. Allowing me to finish my gate painting project and get two coats of polyurethane on the kitchen cabinets, which I was hoping to not have to do, but .... the stain was texturally unappealing to me (slimy and sticky) it needed to be done. I may do another coat tomorrow night before I do the floors and general clean up before my cousin gets in on Tuesday. I'm still glad I did it because it does look a lot better. I was noting to myself how my standards have changed since I had Max in that I kept telling myself it doesn't have to be perfect, just improved/better than it was, and it is. No way would it have gotten done if I had sanded and prepped and washed things down like I should have. But, it does look significantly better. And, thank goodness for wonderful friends who do things like bring food for breakfast and a paint brush for me to use (since I had lent all of mine to my mom and never got them back and had no time to get it today really). In my defense on the bring your own food thing, we had planned to get together at her house and had to change venues at the last minute so she had already shopped and I hadn't. And, thank goodness for free grocery delivery, that came after breakfast, so I now have a house stocked full of food and at least 3 meals planned, in addition to Thanksgiving, while my cousin is here. While waiting, literally, for the paint to dry so I could put on the second coat, I worked on and almost finished my Christmas cards. I only have about 10 left to do. There getting dropped in the mail on Friday. Yes, I do plan on being obscenely early on everything Christmas this year. I'm a list person, even if the list is only in my head, and I'm feeling incredibly proud and productive with how many things are just getting checked off my to do list. While tired, not necessarily sleepy, getting so much done now is helping keep me in my nice zen place in regards to the cycle so close to Christmas. I want to not be stressed for this cycle and enjoy Christmas. Granted, I didn't NEED to take on these home improvement projects, but got to get something productive done while on the dex high and it's amazing how much more productive you can be when you don't sleep much.

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