Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Taxes are into the accountant, which is a huge relief. Next big task on deck is moving sperm to CCB so that some of it can be shipped to a family in need trying for a sib. Then, really must, must, must get Living Will and Trust set up.

Interesting Items to note in regards to 2007 spending and self judgment on said amount:

Clothing: $629 - Good
Dining: $1603 - Better than I thought
Groceries: $9700 - Yikes, guess it will only get worse from here
Fertility: $47500 - Sigh. See, my 50k estimate wasn't far off
Gas (for car): $1500 - Better than most

I guess I really need to make a budget for next year, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to operate in the red due to increased child care costs.

Health wise, I'm doing fine. Just tired. No bleeding. No spotting. I had really weird dreams last night including, but not limited to a doc telling me that if I stood on my head I could dislodge the blood clot from sitting on my cervix. And, no I didn't try that today, just in case.

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