Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Medium Maintenance Baby

I was talking to a friend the other day and she commented that Max was a medium maintenance baby. I have to agree. He isn’t really colicky or fussy and doesn’t cry a lot, but he does need a lot of attention. A good part of this is because he is a breast fed baby and can only go so long without eating. Plus, he really likes being close to the food source (a.k.a. Mommy’s boob). Sometimes, he just uses it as a little pillow after he has his fill and just smiles contently. Hard to mind holding him close when I get that kind of positive reinforcement.

I have had a brief glimpse at what a low maintenance baby would be like this morning. Max has been great at sleeping at night and last night was no exception. In fact, he slept way better than his mommy did. We got up and he coo’d and played while mommy got ready to take the dogs out. We did a nice walk. He was awake most of the time. Then, he got a bit hungry and I fed him on the trail.* After he ate, he dozed off until we got back home. I put him in the bouncy and was able to 1) make and eat an egg breakfast 2) empty the dishwasher and reload it 3) give Shadow a bath** 4) get the towels I dried Shadow with along with one of the doggy beds into the wash. 5) pick up the house. All this time, he was in the bouncy that moved around as needed so that I could talk to him/keep an eye on him and he could coo back to me and keep an eye on me. He was happy as could be. Then, I fed him and he drifted off. I put him in the swing and he has been asleep ever since allowing me to 1) vacuum the entire house 2) put away some laundry 3) take a shower and wash and blow dry my hair (very rare that I can wash it, let alone get it dry with the dryer as well…what a luxury) 4) change the sheets on my bed 5) switch over the laundry and get another load in. 6) get to the computer and write this up.

Max getting early use out of his Halloween Outfit

Wow, I can’t remember being able to get so much done at one time since Max was born. It is very nice.

I am really enjoying my medium maintenance baby. It beats a high maintenance one any day of the week. But, it was a really nice morning and I feel so great with a clean house, a clean dog, and clean hair. I am one content woman at the moment.

* I met this lady hiking about a month ago and she has a son two months older than Max. We made her sling, which I greatly admired, because it was higher than mine and allowed her to feed while on the go. We have become friends and she made me one. I did pay her for it. She is starting a small home based business selling them. It is very nice. If anyone is interested, let me know and I will track down her card with her web address on it. I know it is here someplace.

** I just gave Shadow and Lucky a bath a few days ago, but Shadow has been having a problem with urinary incontinence and have been smelling a lot like urine the last day or so. The vet and I have been switching around medication to try to get in under control and I though we had, but…the stench indicates otherwise. Poor girl. Otherwise, she is doing great in her old age. As much as she hates baths, she didn’t seem to mind too much today (I didn’t get her head wet since it was just washed). I know I will enjoy being around her more now.

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