Sunday, August 21, 2005


I just love being a mom. I love him more than words. It is all I have expected it to be. I just have a minute to get on the computer. Everything is fine here. Max is sleeping in Nana’s arms. We just got back from getting Max’s blood drawn again at the hospital. He is a bit jaundice and they want to monitor it as a precaution. Because the hospital isn’t just around the corner, it takes a minimum of a few (precious) hours. I have so much to say and so little time to say it. I think things will become more routing soon when I am not making daily round trips for a blood draw (long story but took from 9 am until 2 pm Sat.). Tomorrow, we have a follow up peds apt. for Max and my cousin leaves. Now that my milk is in, hopefully, Max will get past this jaundice. I have gotten up and taken the dogs out the last two days, but my cousin has done the evening walk. More soon. Just wanted to do a quick check in. Off to nap. I got more sleep last night than the previous two nights combined and that isn’t saying much. (1.5 + 1.5 = 3) I can deal with lack of sleep, but several days with only an hour or two can take its toll.

ps. I can't take Max anywhere without people stopping to talk and say how adorable he is. Seriously, I mean, I KNOW I think so, but I am biased.


Katrina said...

Oh, you are making the pregnant lady cry! LOL. :) I am so happy for you Debbie. :)

Anonymous said...

Deb- Seriously, he *is* adorable!