Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I heard it

I was minding my own business asleep in bed when I heard a loud “boom” at slightly after 5 am this morning bring me awake and causing the dogs to stir as well. My first thought was, “What was that?”. My second was, “OMG, they are landing the space shuttle at Edwards AFB and I just heard them on approach.” I quickly turned on the tv and sure enough, about 4 min. to landing. I was able to watch it and know that I was a small part of history today. How cool is that? I was excited enough to get up, step over James who is sleeping in the office, reboot the computer, and come tell you about it.

I’m still here visiting with family and making great progress on “the list”. Most of it just too mundane and boring to even discuss.

The baby’s room is starting to actually look like a nursery. Of course, it still needs the crib, but it is getting there. I called yesterday to find out when the chair will be in so I can decide whether to have them just deliver the crib by itself or wait a bit longer.

On Sunday night, my house went from 6 extra people down to 3 extra people with my cousins’ husband and daughter going home and mom not staying the night since she had to work on Monday. My house really isn’t that big and when you get that many people here (and all of their stuff) it can get a bit crowded and overwhelming.

I read a good book over the weekend called Man Camp by Adrienne Brodeur. A very funny book and one that single women still on the dating scene (or those who have just plain given up like me) can relate to. I also picked up the second book in the #1 Woman’s Detective Agency series, but only got a few pages into it before crashing out last night. [Katrina - Was it you that asked how I liked it and did I ever answer? I thought it was good (enough to by the next one). The style is very different (which I like) and it is a good, well written story, IMO.]

The sun is just coming up here, but I think I will go take the dogs out so I can be back by 8 am when the A/C man is coming by to do yearly service and maintenance on the A/C system and clean the filters. I have had the A/C for years now and have never had this done professionally, but decided I really should this year because 1) there is NO WAY I can get up into the crawl space like I normally would to clean the filters 2) this would not be a good year for it not to get done and/or to have problems.

I am getting so huge in the belly. I can tell the difference in myself over just the last few days. My uterous was crampy and tight on and off yesterday, but I am sure that is more because I was pushing the limits of acceptable behavior 38 weeks pregnant by bending over trimming the lavender in the front flower beds by the front door, watering my dying container rose bushes, cleaning the back yard, washing/drying/folding and finding spots for all of the shower gifts and additional boy clothes donated to the cause by my sister and friend Heather. I also spent plenty of time talking on the phone and catching up with friends that I haven’t seen or talked to in weeks because I have been too busy with family and “the list”. Yes, I have been neglecting folks and haven’t kept up with IRL friend as well as my internet ones and blog.

My first official non-work day went well and I kept very busy. I did think about signing in to check email or calling to see how it was going with my back up, but decided that I had to give a chance for something to actually happen first and will try to hold off until Friday before I check in. LOL.

Happy Tuesday! I was a small part of history today. Just thought you would want to know.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

That's so cool! :)

Can you believe you only have 2 weeks left??? I swear you just got pregnant yesterday;) LOL