Thursday, July 17, 2008

The next damn thing....

I woke up this morning (about 4 am) thinking about how the burn on my arm was really hurting me, except I didn't burn my arm. My quick investigation shows a skin infection an inch or two under my elbow on the forearm. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to presume it is MRSA. I quickly washed it with soap and water, alcohol gel, and an alcohol swab, and put a bandage on it. I've washed or am washing all my bedding and Max's bedding in hot water. I talked to Nora's nurse and she's going to leave a message for the medical director to call me on my cell. I now have an appointment with my primary doc/internist, but not until 3 which logistically really screws up my day. I have an appointment with that therapist at 10 to talk about how stressful this all is since I'm still pursuing trying to go out on stress leave after my official maternity leave is up in a few weeks although the disability claims manager isn't returning my calls or the therapist calls which is just one more stress. I'm tired and worried and stressed now that MRSA is in the home and I'm the one who brought it here (allegedly). I vow not to start crying, because really it's pointless and I'm not sure I will stop. Damn! Damn! Damn! I'd really like one day without all this or at least a reduction in the complications. If this is the new normal, I'm not impressed. Nothing to do but solder on, but I'm not liking it much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's going to be OK. Really, it's going to be OK. They will tell you what you have to do, and it will get better. You caught this VERY early, so it will get fixed. When disinfecting, don't forget your cell phone and camera BTW. You'll get it knocked out of there, and you'll all be back on track. Hugs Deb....
