Thursday, May 08, 2008

A rarity

I had a very rare and much needed girls night out tonight. The food was delish. The conversation superb. And, I was able to sneak in a nap this afternoon so I wasn't falling asleep at the table or on the drive home. Noemi stayed late for me. Sounds like Shadow gave her more of a hard time/worry than Max by refusing her dinner/medicine. I took her out for a potty run and then she followed me in the kitchen after and ate it down. I guess she just was waiting for me. Good, one less worry. Max was sleeping sideways on his new bed surrounded by blankets none of which were covering him. The only downer (other than this persistent cough, which is getting better, but worse at night and still a PITA) was finding a tinge of blood on my panties when I got home. Just a small amount, but it looked fresh. Back to black undies tomorrow preventing such observations. No, the black doesn't solve the problem, but not really anything to be done except worry which gets old. Anyway, it was great to see these friends most of whom I haven't seen in ages as I missed the last outing or two due to 1st trimester woes. We always have such a wonderful time and swear we should get out more often, but then life happens and it is months later before something gets scheduled. I'm sure I'll be dragging tomorrow, but I sure enjoyed tonight.

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