Sunday, September 02, 2007


Can you believe that? What an F'd up cycle. Today is something like tired to walk across the house to look at the calendar or count from Tuesday which was something like cd11 or 12 when I got to see that sucky looking follicle, but it is something like that. I had a tad of light pink spotting earlier today and thought it was my imagination, but I have more spotting tonight and can am now feeling all crampy and period like so I bet full flow will be here by the morning.

Well, maybe I will go in for a cd3 baseline and try a clomid cycle and maybe throw in a low dose injectable as a last hurrah before signing a DE contract. Hey, it really can't get much worse than it is now other than if I lost my left tube, but even that doesn't seem that bad right now (and it may be blocked by scar tissue anyway) after all a tube is only useful if an egg, a decent one, is produced to be fertalized and traveled down.

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