Sunday, February 27, 2005

It happened…

My fear of walking the dogs and barfing on someone’s lawn as I pick up dog poop happened last night. I wasn’t even feeling nauseous and haven’t been getting sick very often, but I just caught a whiff of the smell and started gagging. It caught me by surprise. Oh well. I have to say the reality wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, it wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world, but it could have been worse. Luckily, I hadn’t eaten in awhile so there wasn’t much in my stomach.

Also, when I said that nothing really has been going on in my last post, that may not have actually been the whole truth. After all, the hardwood floor that I had put in my master bedroom not more than 5 years ago buckled with all the rain/moisture in the air and needs to be completely replaced. One night when I was going to bed I saw a trail of ants climbing behind my headboard from my ceiling to my floor. Luckily, I had Ant/Roach spray in the house and that seemed to have taken care of that even if the smell of it did make me sick. And, my dog Lucky required a trip to the vet because of an abscess on her paw which requires 10 – 14 days of antibiotics and me to soak her paw in the iodine type solution twice a day. It’s funny, I guess the pregnancy hormones have caused a newer calmer me, where I can’t even bother to remember these things let alone get worked up about them.

My weekend was spent getting caught up on a little work, taking naps, and reading a book. My big adventure was going to the hair dressers yesterday. I didn’t have an appointment, but decided that I couldn’t stand my hair one more day so made a last minute call to see if there were any openings and how soon I could get in. I got lucky because she had just had a cancellation. She and her assistant asked me what my plans were for the weekend and I told them that my goal of the weekend was to water the plants in my house. I think they thought I may be joking, but I was dead serious. By the way, this goal was accomplished while talking on the phone yesterday.


Katrina said...

Way to accomplish your goals! :) Hehe. While I am sure you don't find it nearly as amusing, I enjoyed a chuckle of the vision of you throwing up on someone's lawn. LOL.

Glad to hear you have been so relaxed this weekend, hope Lucky heals quickly!

Deb2You2 said...

No, I have to say that I found the whole thing pretty amusing. In fact, tonight when walking the dogs I was thinking bad I don't have that on it is one for the memory books. LOL.

Lucky is doing great. I'm going to give her another day or two on the iodine soak and then just finish her out on the antibotics. She is walking and running and generally back to her troublesome self.