Thursday, July 12, 2007


Work wasn't so bad today. I attended a few meetings and got through most of my email and that was about it.

Kristen, my first foster, was adopted today. She is going to a really great family that will love her and give her all the attention she needs. I'm so happy for her.

I got a new foster dog Nikki (sp?). I'd post a picture of her, but I don't have one and am too tired to take one and of load it to the computer right now. She's older (estimated about 10) and was found on a construction sight, but is well (and recently) groomed, well fed, and probably well taken care of since she isn't as needy as Kristen was. They think she is just lost or someone was watching her while her family is on vacation and are going to try to find her owners first before trying to adopt her out.

Max seemed to like and be happier with the younger, more energetic Kristen. I'm not feeling as overwhelmed with the older Nikki. While yesterday I was thinking no way could I take on another dog. Today, it seems much more manageable if it is the right dog. I'm not adopting another dog soon. Really. I swear. I think Shadow likes Nikki a bit better too. Shadow has/is laying closer to Nikki and interacting more with Nikki it appears. Shadow even came outside with us (I'm typing this at my new patio table looking at my new garden contemplating filling up my fountain with water to see if I sealed the cracks) and is laying right with us (and City Boy just joined us on the table). Anyway, two days into my fostering and on to my second dog. Still really glad I'm doing this.

I don't actually have a copy of them yet, but I got my lab results from Monday back verbally today. My progesterone was over 18 at 7 dpo. It was never that high with Max even when I got released from the RE to the OB. I don't have a 7 dpo number to compare since I never got a 7 dpo P4 in the cycle that resulted in Max. I only did it this time because I wanted to get the liver and kidney test since I was taking the Metformin. I was told that those test came back fine, but no details. However, my insulin was back up to the original number. Dr. Q wanted me to keep taking both the Avandia and the Metformin. I told the nurse coordinator, who was giving me the results, that it had gone down on the Avandia alone quite a bit and is now back up. We agreed that I would stop the Metformin for a month or two and retest to see if goes back down. Now, I did stop the dex, but likely that wouldn't affect it she said. Now, I didn't ask, but I had to wonder what a pregnancy could do to insulin levels. Dr. N told me once that pregnancy really affects and messes up cholesterol levels. Maybe it could do the same thing for insulin? This is where I reminded myself that I'm not going there and that this cycle is a bust. Yet, I am feeling crampy and tired and truth be told just a tad nauseous, especially when picking up all that extra dog poop. Ha, it's probably just hunger since I haven't eaten dinner yet.

You know what's funny and I realized today. I don't like dog poop in my yard. And, I most often don't have any. I walk the dogs twice a day and they poop on the walk. I pick it up and throw it out. These new dogs and Kristen's new brother (who was a poop machine while he was here) are not on board with this. Sigh.

Anyway, one more work day left in the week. Two more days till my party. Four more days until beta.

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