Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back to Work

Sadly, my vacation is officially over and I'm back to work tomorrow. I'm tired. Physically and in a good way. I got so much done. Basically everything I wanted to in the yard/gardening. I did several things with Max and spent more time with him during the day. I was able to hang out with him during his lunch and putting him down for his nap before heading out for errands and spending more time with him in the late afternoon.

I got my first K9 foster dog today as planned and spent the afternoon giving her a bath and all the pets flea and tick treatments and her some extra TLC. Max absolutely adores her. She was here when he woke up from his nap and he got giddy excited and "played" with her all afternoon, even offered her some of his precious "la la juice" (Orange) that he rarely gets. But, it reinforced my decision that I'm not ready to add another pet to the family right now. I'm very happy to foster and feel really good about being able to help, but not ready to take on a full commitment. Her name is Kristen. Yes, I thought it was OTI (which I thought was a bit odd, but hey), but it turns out that OTI stands for owner turn like a whole new lingo I need to learn. I'm only suppose to have Kristen for a day or two. A family is supposed to come by tomorrow afternoon to meet her and possibly adopt her. If not, the person who "rescued" Kristen said she has 3 other families interested in her.

Anyway, I barely got to sit down and relax on this vacation. I was hoping for a few hours here and there, but that didn't really happen. I'm fine with that. I feel like I made good use and got so much accomplished that I am proud of myself and what I have done.

Now, I have two days of work to catch up on. Then, I'm hosting a party on Saturday afternoon. Then, hopefully a day of rest with no big plans. And, then, life gets back to the normal routine. Whatever that is.

Yeah, yeah, I know I have said this before, but given the choice and money not being an issue, I would so be a stay at home mom in a second. I wish every day and every week could be a vacation day. I really do (mostly) like my job, but...even as much as I accomplished this last week, there is more I could do and just regular life stuff. Back to work and "reality" tomorrow.

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