Monday, September 25, 2006


Max has another word in his arsenal. The baby sign/sign language for more. He has been physically doing it on and off for a week or so, but I wasn’t sure if he really understood or knew what it meant because mostly he did it during meal time when he was towards the end of the meal. However, this morning, the smart little boy of mine showed he clearly DID understand.

We were at the park before work and he was in the swing. I had pushed him, but the swing was starting to slow down. He looked directly at me, distinctly signed “more”, and gave me a big smile. Then started laughing away when I asked him if he wanted me to push him some more. So, of course, I did. He kept signing more, more, more until he got going as fast as he wanted. When it slowed, he signed for some “more”. We had a grand ole time for about 20 minutes with this little game as he leaned his head back letting the swinging motion take him; leaning head forward to feel a different sensation.

So, we are up to two distinct signs (more and no more) and 4 words (momma, duck, quack, and cat) that I can recognize and understand. Very clever kid, if I do say so myself.

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