Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Triggering Tonight

I’m triggering tonight at 1:15 am for a Friday afternoon IUI. I asked for a copy of my sheet for today, then forgot to get it. Sigh. I am pretty sure the lead follicle was 20 and the smaller one 16. Yes, smaller than the last two cycles I got pregnant when I didn’t trigger until the lead follicle was 24.. I thought about asking to stim for another day but 1) didn't feel like spending any more money on stims and 2) don't have to worry about getting a sitter for Max on Saturday if I trigger today for a Friday IUI. So, I figured...they were good enough and will likely be in range and didn't bother to push it. They will likely be 24 and 18 or so by Friday. Or, with me you never know 27 and 16 regardless with the surge of the trigger shot. Still feeling pretty bummed out. My RE, trying to put the positive spin was trying to convince me that my body just like IUI’s better. Ha, how would we know since I have never actually made it through and IVF cycle. But, it was nice of him to try.

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