Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sweet and Salty

I’m one step closer to my cycle today. I started my period this morning. Next milestone is baseline u/s on Tuesday. Maybe now that my period is here, I will stop this sweet and salty kick I have been on since Friday. You know. Eat something sugary, then an hour later want something salty. Repeat. Repeat again. Repeat again and again and again. For as overweight as I am, I am not a binge eater or much of a snacker typically so I was surprised when this started up and I kept saying. Stop. Stop. Just stop eating. Then, realized it was likely related to onset of period and just went with the flow.

Max is in his crib screaming at the top of his longs. This causes me much stress. The poor guy is so tired and has been a bit on the cranky side so I am going to let it go for about 10 more minutes cause I know he needs to sleep. Not sure if it is teeth or he’s getting a cold (cause he has a bit of a runny nose and been sneezing), but he has just been slightly off this weekend.

It has been so hot here which means it is hard to let Max play outside unless it is early morning. He is so mobile, he just wants to crawl and/or walk with his stroller or Hippo.

Okay, can’t take the crying. Must go try to sooth my son.

Soothing worked. He was asleep within 30 – 60 seconds of me going in there. Typically, I have not been picking him up, but did because he was just standing at the crib crying and when I went to him he reached up and clung to me. How could I not? Then, I just held him and rocked him for awhile because I could. I really don’t get to much anymore because he wants to be on the go or at night when I put him to bed, I am just so tired I want to clean up and get to bed myself. I know there are those of you out there who believe in the sleep training and CIO. I’ve thought a lot about it and obviously so not there, but that is a post for another day.

Anyway, Max has just been slightly off the last day or so. He has been a little crabby and easy to cry since he is almost never crabby and rarely cries it is noticeable. He has been eating and drinking slightly less like maybe 4 – 6 oz instead of 6 – 8 oz He has been sleeping just a little bit less. Last night it was only about 9.5 hours (woke up at 4:30 am with a poo poo diaper) after no afternoon nap yesterday and only a two hour morning nap. Maybe a growth spurt. Maybe getting sick. Maybe just plain tired and hot.

I know I have been tired and hot. I’m glad I went to the funeral on Thursday even if it did put a dent in my wallet and I was extremely tired when I got back. Then, it didn’t help that I stayed up late Friday night finishing a book I had started on the plane (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and then Max woke up a few short hours later. I did nap when he napped yesterday, but he woke me up out of a sound sleep (which doesn’t often happen cause I am a light sleeper and not much of a napper). To break up the monotony of the house yesterday, we ran a few errands/I did some shopping. Then, my mom and sister came by for awhile. They were driving back from N. CA from the funeral and my mom’s car was here. They visited for awhile and had dinner. Then, we walked and did the bed time routine. Max was asleep by 7 and I was asleep by 9. We both needed an early bedtime.

Not much going today. Just hanging low. After nap time, we will probably spend some time in the pool even if I have just started my period. I think Sunday’s has become my favorite day cause I have purposely have been keeping it low key as much as possible and a day for just Max and I.

While I have the chance, I think I will go climb back in bed myself for awhile.

Another day closer to “the cycle”. Maybe because I have been so busy, but I really have no expectations one way or another for the cycle. Just taking it day by day. I haven’t really been dreading it or anticipating it. Occasionally, I think, I really hope this works, but I have no expectations or high hopes that it will. Heck, I didn’t even buy my meds for after ER/ET. I figure plenty of time to spend that money if I make it that far. I’m just content, at least for now, to make it to the next milestone.

Today, I hit the period milestone. Tuesday, I will hit the baseline u/s milestone and hope I get to continue from there.

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