Thursday, July 21, 2005

Today’s OB Appointment = Good News…Only 3 more days of BR

Yes, the highlight of my week was my OB appointment and this was even before I had the exam and got the good news. Dr. P laughed when I told her that seeing her and being out of the house was the highlight of my week. It was the first time I had driven and been out of the house all week. Boy, was it nice to see some other scenery. I didn’t even mind the traffic, although I did have to curse at a few fellow drivers for their stupid and dangerous driving.

Cervix was exactly the same as last week. This supports the theory that I could have been dilated for awhile and we just didn’t know because it was never checked. Many women, including my sister Cindy with her last child, walk around dilated at 2 or 3 for weeks or even a month or so before delivery. To be cautious she wants me to continue to restrict my activity until Saturday. Then she said I could get up and do as I desire, even jumping jacks to celebrate if I like. LOL.

I was so happy to get out of the house. I washed my hair this morning and put in hot rollers after it dried; put on make-up and jewelry; and wore my best maternity shorts/top. I would have worn one of maternity dresses except it is better to only have to get half undressed when doing an internal exam or being able to just pull down the shorts when they are just doing a heart beat check.

I think the little guy was as happy as I was to get out of the house. He hasn’t moved as much this week. In fact the other day, I got worried enough to check on the rented fetal heart monitor. He and I were getting down to the music. I was singing and he was moving away in there. I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess the big change in my routine really affected his too. I am sure that he misses walking the doggies as much as I do.

I go back again next Thursday, but Dr. P will be on vacation so I will see another Dr. She said the other Dr. would just check the baby’s hb, my blood pressure, weight, urine, etc. with no internal exam. This means that unless I have contractions, I should be good to go for the duration.

I asked if getting in the pool and floating on a raft would be considered bed rest. She laughed and said that she would allow it since things looked so good as long as I had a bottle of water out there with me and I made sure that I didn’t get dehydrated.

I had a nice long talk with my sister Cindy who is home from Europe. They were there to spend a few weeks with her husband’s family, who lives there. Her kids were jet lag and went to bed early so we had a nice long uninterrupted talk for a change. She went through her son’s stuff (her first day back from a 3 week trip to Europe) and said she had saved a lot more than she realized and I would be set until my little guy is 3. She was even washing it all for me so I didn’t have to deal with it and will bring it with her when she comes for the shower. Isn’t that nice?

So, unless something changes, I told work that likely I will be putting in the last two weeks as planned with my last day being Aug. 5th. Then, two weeks to rest and relax. A friend, or was it my sister, laughed and predicted that after all of this he was going to be late. Time will tell.

Getting out of the house was enough to keep me smiling all day. Knowing that I only have 3 more days, just as a precaution to lay low, has me glowing.


Katrina said...

I am so happy to hear that your appointment went so well. I was a bit worried you forgot to shower for your "BO" appointment LOL, but I see that was just a typo. ;)

Deb2You2 said...

LOL. A typo that I just fixed. Drat, you caught me just after I posted and before I caught it. LOL. I'm just so happy to get the news out there. Deb