Friday, July 08, 2005


Lucky had her first radiation treatment today. She seems to have come through like a charm, thank goodness! She seemed a bit groggy and disoriented right after the treatment, but they had to put her under general anesthesia to do it. And, this is the first time she has been “under” like that. It’s funny. She now has blue X’s all over the front of her body where they marked the radiation spots. No treatment for her now (one can only hope and pray) for a month when they do the other, lower, half of her body. Then, we just do monthly check up’s to see if she has stayed in remission.

Usually, her appointments have been on Thursday afternoons. I was so out of it yesterday that I thought her appointment was yesterday, not today. Because she had to go under anesthesia, she wasn’t able to eat that morning until the appointment. I could tell she was so hungry. She kept following me around and whining at me like WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM HERE how can you forget to feed me. I was feeling so bad. I was feeling even worse when it occurred to me that I was starving her for nothing because her appointment wasn’t even that day.

I emailed my RE yesterday telling him about the girl/boy thing and just giving him a general update on how the pregnancy was going. Part of his response is as follows:

I don’t know if you have heard about this new test for determining gender from The research on it has shown it to be 99% accurate. They send you a package in the mail with a lancet that lets you take a sample of your blood from your fingertip and send it back. You get the results in a few days.

How cool is that? I looked it up. Only $275. I seriously thought about it as I now wonder, is it really a boy or is it a girl? Yes, I know. The u/s picture really is quite explicit and as a friend reminded me, what ELSE could it be? I think I have decided that I can wait the 7 weeks to find out 100%. However, had I known this earlier in my pregnancy, I would have done it for sure.

Not much else new here. Going to an SMC Meeting tomorrow and a friend is coming over to help me move furniture and clear out the baby’s room some more. The dressers and night stand are in and will be delivered next Friday. I got a message this afternoon while at Lucky’s appointment that my crib that was supposed to take 6 –8 weeks is here and they are just waiting on the chair. Things are starting to fall into place!

As for being so tired, a friend reminded me that at this stage the baby is really growing and putting on weight and that makes you very tired. It made me think of the teenage years as they grow and how tired they are all the time. And, it somewhat correlates as I have gained a pound a day for the last 3 days. Yikes! I sure hope all of that isn’t the kid as much as I would rather it not be me just gaining because of not so stellar food choices. Hey, I have to get him out, you know. I want him healthy and all, but not huge. I need to go back and read how quickly the baby and I are supposed to gain about now. The only thing that has kept me from really obsessing over this is that everything I have read said the baby should be about 5 lbs about now. I am resolved to make better food choices than I have. After just one day, I am not feeling quite as tired. Extra motivation!

Again, TGIF! Too bad it isn’t another 3 day weekend. Greedy, aren’t I?

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