Thursday, June 09, 2005

With Sorrow

I can’t sleep. During our staff meeting this afternoon, we were told that our boss would not be joining us because she had just received a call from home saying they couldn’t awaking her 19 year old daughter from sleep and an ambulance was on the way. We got an email about an hour later saying that her daughter Megan had passed away in her sleep. I can only imagine the grief and sorrow that my boss is feeling right now. I have just come to terms recently in my own mind that the rest of my pregnancy would be fine and that I am actually going to get a live baby out of this whole thing and then stories like this reiterated how uncertain life can be. I never met Megan, but her passing and the tragedy of my boss losing a child, just on the brink of adulthood and independence, has hit me hard. Again, I can only imagine how my boss and her family are feeling. They are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only cry for her and all of the other injustices in the world.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Oh my goodness...19, that is so young and so tragic. :( My heart and prayers go out to that family.

How is the painting going?