Wednesday, June 01, 2005

On the same note and on a different note

I guess I am going to end the day on the same note that I started it, retching in the sink. I was so sure that you could not go on without that piece of information that I decided to delay my bedtime just to tell you all about it. Aren’t you glad you stopped by to see what was new with me?

The vomiting along with the diarrhea is not helping my hydration situation much, but don’t tell my friend C this or she will try to convince me, again, I should be on bed rest full time. I can hear it now. Just kidding. C, if you are reading this, I didn’t purposely not tell you. I just forgot. Really!

A funny hospital story, the on-call dr. prescribed a stool softener for me. We hadn’t talked about it only about an order to help something for the cough. She prescribed Robitusin with Codine, to help me sleep. Ha ha ha, like THAT happened, I would need WAY more drugs to sleep in a hospital with all kinds of monitors hooked up to me and every time I moved and even when I didn't (I have to blame some of it on the kid) we would loose the heartbeat and the monitor would need to be adjusted. Anyway, I digress... I told the nurse I have been having diarrhea and that I don’t think that is such a good idea. She agreed and said I could decline it. I did. The stool softener not the Robitusin with Codine.

Another funny thing is that I completely forgot about vomiting this morning until I started vomiting again tonight. I guess it is just so common place that it isn’t even note worthy anymore, except on my blog, of course, since I remembered that it happened.

I am so tired and stuffy. It is the damn flem (is that a word and if so, why is it not in my spell check?) and drainage. Oh, I am having fun now. Really, as bad as I am feeling today and as tired as I am, the only thing I kept thinking about was how glad I am not to be on bed rest. Off to take some Benadryl and to climb into bed. After I remember to take my prenatal vitamin that I keep thinking about taking and forgetting tonight.

Now, I just have to remember to go change over the clothes from the washer to the dryer sometime in the middle of the night so I have shorts to hike..oh…I mean walk in a rural area on a reasonably flat path among wild flowers and brush and weeds and bunny rabbits and birds and coyotes and ticks enjoying nature/God’s beauty in all of its forms…in tomorrow. I am going to stop calling it hiking because I think it gives the wrong impression of what actually occurs. I am behaving myself. I promise. For goodness sakes, I have a 15 year old, 80 lb dog with me. I am hauling 205+ (down a few pounds with this whole sickness thing) of me and baby around, not running a race or winning speed records. Really, it is not that strenuous. I think I need to take some of the skeptics on a trail or two with me so they can see how easy I really am taking it. Of course, I'll take you on some of the easiest trails I do and say they are the most difficult. Just kidding. Shesh, some people can't take a joke these days.

On a different note, I just poured out a bottle of water because it was tasting funny and got another one. The second bottle tasted just like the first one. And, this is the same brand of water (and the only brand of water) that has tasted good to me while pregnant. I’m all screwed up.

Time to end the day and hope that by tomorrow this cold/flu thing starts becoming a distant memory. Shouldn’t take long once the symptoms stop with my short term memory these days.


Katrina said...

Oh, sounds like you are having a rough time of it...I hate colds, and I hate them even more in the summer...I hope that yours clears up soon. This has to be a short message as I replied to your other messages on my blog and now I must get ready for school. :) (just a nudge to remind you to read my responses;)
As for "flem" it is a word, but the spelling is very bizarre, phlegm. I know...I'm weird...I love word games;)

Sasha@Pw said...

I hope you start to feel better! Have fun on your hike...I mean walk.