Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Dry Heaves

I had dry heaves for the first time this pregnancy this morning. I would rate it below actual vomiting and higher than just plain nausea. Took me by suprize. Been very tired all day and really feel like I could vomit at any moment. Good thing I had a preggo pop left otherwise I am almost certain I would have puked walking the dogs tonight. Also feeling very weepy tonight thinking about Lucky. I’ve been doing pretty good in that regard. I think maybe because we have an appointment for her second treatment tomorrow. Since she seems to be feeling and acting normal, it has been somewhat easy to think that everything is going to be okay or that nothing is really wrong. Then, the reality of another treatment comes up making me really sad all over. Nothing will ever be as bad as the initial shock though.

My quad screen results are in, but I don’t have them yet. They were supposed to be faxed to Dr. D’s office, but when I called I was told they didn’t get them so I called back and asked that they get re-faxed. I have an appointment with Dr. D (ultrasound) tomorrow and hopefully I will get the quad screen results then. Hopefully, the baby is still alive and will cooperate so that Dr. D can finish seing what he needs to and I can find out the gender.

Off to go lay down. Did I mention how tired I am today? Had dinner with my mom and I just wanted to lay down in the booth and go to sleep. I may have to move to maternity ware soon. I’m back to not wanting ANYTHING to touch my belly. Maybe it just seems worse today because I feel sick.


Katrina said...

You might find out the gender tomorrow??!! WOOHOO! that is HUGE!:) I am so excited for you.:)

And I retierate how sorry I am about Lucky's illness. How difficult this must be for you.

Katrina said...

I am supposed to be writing papers...come on now, spill the beans! How did the u/s go? Did you find out the gender? Inquiring minds want to know!:)

Katrina said...

This is really strange. When I visit your website, I don't see an update on your ultrasound appointment, and I KNOW you wouldn't leave me hanging like this...;)