Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Baby is alive and well

All is well. Baby is measuring about 2w ahead. I brought my VHS and got this ultrasound added. I also got 3 very cool pictures, 2 of which are 4d and a CD of the u/s. The baby was in breach position and face down so we didn’t get to see the gender or the details of the heart. The baby turned his/her face at the last minute so we did get to see that and Dr. D said all looks good. I go back in 2 weeks for another u/s. Yeah!

I had a nice talk with a genetics counselor. We talked about triple screen vs. quad screen. The genetics counselor said the quad screen did reduce the false positive and was 8 – 10% more accurate that the triple screen. This was less that what I read on the internet, but still high enough that I will likely do it even if I have to pay out of pocket for it. We also talked about amnio and what it really tested for. Dr. D’s complication rate it 1/300. The national average is 1/200. What I didn’t know is that, this rate is for any type of complication such as leakage, etc. and not necessarily a miscarriage rate which is presumably lower. I need to deicide in the next few weeks, like probably my next visit whether or not I am going to do it or not. Still leaning towards not, but open to the possibility.

I need to have blood drawn within the next day or so for the triple or quad screen so I can have those results by the next u/s. I have my next OB appointment a week from Friday. And, next L2 u/s is in just over 2 weeks. I love this extra monitoring. I really do. Too bad it won’t keep up for the rest of the pregnancy, but maybe by then I will be able to feel the baby and get daily positive reinforcement.

Today is a good day.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Glad to hear everything is well and that you got to see the baby's face! How cool is that! :)