Sunday, June 10, 2007

Today’s Funnies

Some funny moments from today….

Bubbles. Max has this thing against bubbles. I’ve tried to give him a bubble bath a few times, but he freaks out. His new hobby is climbing up and playing in the kitchen or my bathroom sink. He likes, likes, likes soap, but hasn’t figured out the cause and effect that lots of (liquid) soap can make bubbles. He did not want to shower with me this morning and instead choose to play in the sink. He started sounding a tad distressed so I poked my head out. He had his butt in the air with his feet out of the sink doing the “crab” trying to get away from the bubbles. I just plucked him up trying not to laugh and pulled him in with me where he ohh’d and ahhh’d as I held him under the shower. I guess you had to see it, but it was funny.

Make-up. I don’t wear a lot of make-up, but do usually put on eye liner and lip stick if I am going out. I was rushing around trying to get us ready and out the door this morning and apparently, Max used my eye liner after observing me use it. It’s only funny because he didn’t hurt himself, but he got his eye pretty good in several places and a nice line across his forehead before I saw him. He was none to happy when I confiscated the pencil.

Crumpets. One of the things we did this morning was take a neighbor who had ankle surgery to the grocery store (after visiting another neighbor in the hospital and stopping to see a random 7 year old baseball playoff game) since her husband is out of town. We almost made it out of the store before Max spied something he just had to have -- blueberry crumpets. No, he has never had them before, but knew he wanted them and just loved it. He did offer to share a piece with the cashier, who appreciated the gestured, but declined. I’m sure I am creating a bad habit getting him stuff like this in the store, but I figure it is reasonably healthy stuff and a good way for him to try new things so the benefit probably outweighs the potential risk.

Sharing. We ate dinner outside and Max didn’t eat much, but I brought his plate in after he climbed up to the sink and started playing. At some point after he was done in the sink and after the plate had been sitting around for awhile (30 - 40 min.) I gave it to Shadow. Max saw me do this and had a delayed reaction and decided he “wasn’t” finished with dinner even though I had asked him first before giving it to Shadow. He ran over took the plate away and outside to eat a bit more, came back in and gave a few pieces to Shadow, went back out and came back in with the plate and gave it back to Shadow. Shadow was still standing there trying to figure out what happened. She just looked up as Max took the plate away, took the food he hand offered, and went back to eating like nothing happened when Max brought the plate back. Yes, kind of gross, but funny -- at least to me.

Ah, this kid of mine. He does so make me laugh.

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