Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thank You’s

I was so distracted today that I left for an afternoon and came back several hours later to my front door open wide because I forgot to close it and my toilet running because I didn’t hear it without my sweater to meet a fellow SMC who has a son about Max’s age for an excursion to the Zoo. It was a crisp afternoon and I looked down at Max at one point and his hands were purple/blue they were so cold. Yikes! Good thing I did have his mittens.

Anyway, one of the things I was thinking about a lot today was how sometimes we touch people and don’t know it and how sometimes we touch people and we do take the time to say thanks.

I often told Dr. N how much I appreciated him. I knew that he was fairly new to the practice when I started with him and I made a point after my first m/c of writing him an email of thanks with details on what I appreciated and copied his boss and his bosses boss. I did that several times over the years and wrote a nice success story after Max was born and as I started trying for a sibling for Max for my clinics web page. I really, really think he knew how much his being my dr. meant to me. For that, I am really grateful.

Yesterday, our afternoon excursion was a trip to the grocery store. Max and I were in the check out stand and Max pointed out the balloons. On a whim, I got out of line and got one for my niece along with some cupcakes and left them with a card on the counter (saying how happy I was that my neice was living with us and how much we would miss her when she moved) with all the lights off except the Christmas tree for when she got home from work. When I woke up this morning after not much sleep, I woke up to this note.

Debbie - This gesture was right on time. This period in my life has not been an easy one – yet somehow you’ve stepped in and relieved a ton of anxiety, helped to resolve a lot of hurt, and reopened my eyes to the true meanings of love and family (mine had gotten a little fuzzy and jaded). You are a remarkable woman and a wonderful mother (not only to Max.). All the little things you do are noted and appreciated. I can’t even begin to think how I’ll ever be able to show you how important you’ve been/are to me. This holiday was tough – and x-mas is sure to be another emotional obstacle – but your care and understanding have made these potential disastrous “cry-fests” seem manageable. I guess with this long winded letter I’m just trying to say a huge – no GINORMOUS - THANK YOU!! You are amazing. Max is a lucky boy and I’m a very lucky and grateful niece. I still have another month here (which will be fun being Max’s age) – but I hope we can continue to keep in touch and be major roles in each others lives, especially seeing the positive effect you’ve made in a mere month. I love you and Max very much. Thank you!

The funny thing is, that I really don’t think I have done much for her except be her aunt and give her a place to stay rent free for a few months. Truly, her being here has been a big help to me because she often runs errands to pick up yet more milk for Max or some such errand while never accepting money from me. When she is around, she will play with Max, who just lights up when she enters the room and “performs” for her (very, very cute to see) and will do some quick pick up of toys, etc. Several times when she is in for the night, she will listen for Max while I run out to pick up some dinner or run to the book store or whatever. The freedom of being out after 7 pm all by myself for a quick run without having to battle Max into the car seat; I’m not sure I can describe it. Anyway, I feel like I am getting as much out of her being here and I do remember being her age and poor and scared and wishing I had a safety net. I really haven’t thought too much about it until I got her note.

Maybe Dr. N just felt he was doing his job as an RE and not doing anything special just like I feel like I am just doing my job as an Aunt for my niece and not doing anything special. Yet, it is nice to be thanked and to be appreciated. I’m glad I took the time over the years to say thank you to Dr. N and let him know how much I appreciated him. Again, I know he knew. For that I am grateful. And, I’m humbled and pleased that I am having such an impact on my niece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to know you Deb...

What a wonderful post. Knowing you, I can just imagine how much your niece loves and appreciates you, and also how much Dr. N must have loved helping you give birth to Max.

