Friday, November 03, 2006


I’ve gone from being momma to being mommy this last week. I’m sure it is something else my little guy picked up at the park. Mom-my, Mom-my, Mom-my, with a strong emphases on the last syllable. Very cute. I’m still calling myself momma and decided to let Max decide what he wants to call me without making an issue of it.

The other day we were out walking in the dark and there were some shadows. Max was trying to chase them and figure it out. He’d run forward and the shadows would still stay ahead of him Again, very cute. I was telling him they were shadows because of the light. He just looked at Shadow (our dog) in a confused way.

Nice massage today. Nice nap. Nice afternoon of reading.

And, I wasn’t very productive, but did get some groceries (motivated by the high need for milk) and return a few calls.

Had another early, early morning today. Sigh.

I think Max is going through another momma separation anxiety phase as he was crying when I left this morning for my appointment and crying when he found out I wasn’t going to the park with him and Noemi this afternoon. Another sigh.

Really glad I took the day off. I really needed a me day. And, a nap. Very nice.

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