Friday, November 24, 2006


3 cc’s of PIO injected in upper outer quadrant of the derriere – Check

Decided to inject a bit early today since ex-boy friend (first love and first lover) is coming over tonight with his brother and a mutual friend for cards. He lives out of state, but we still stay somewhat in touch and see each other if he is in town. Should be fun. However, told him he has until 10 pm then I must cease, desist, and go to sleep since the kid is an early riser.

Max was so amp’d up with the company yesterday he did his no nap routine and didn’t sleep in the car to my sisters like I had hoped. However, he was his fun charming self and had a great time. We left at 5:30 pm and he fell asleep on the way home at 6 pm. The only problem with this was that he then felt 4 am was a good wake up time and I wasn’t too thrilled with it. My cousin asked what was the one thing that would help me the most today and I said that at noon, we have family nap time and everyone naps or quietly rests from noon until 2 pm. Gosh, I really needed that break. I think everyone slept. Just what we all needed before card night.

Max is off to the Ronald Regan museum with his Uncle Jim (who is also his god father) who is starting early brainwashing in the hopes Max grows up to be a Republican. LOL. I told him to give him it his best shot and to knock himself out. So, I got a nap and a few hours of free time today. Yes, rather than be productive, I play on the computer.

Too bad I have a house full of guests and Keith is coming with an entourage. Some good ole fashioned sex* would be nice after weeks and weeks of estrogen. Ah well, the progesterone will be kicking in soon now that I have shot up.

* We broke up “officially” when I was 25 ish and I am now 40, but we continued to engage in “intimate” relations when the mood and opportunity presents itself. Sadly, that hasn’t happened in years. It is a nice comfortable arraignment that is usually driven by me. As in, I usually tell him in advance if he should be prepared to “put out” or not. LOL. Again, ah well.

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