Monday, November 13, 2006

My Clown

What a difference a year makes, huh?



Max is really developing a sense of humor. Many times, when we are driving, he will be talking to himself, then he will just start laughing and laughing, cracking himself up. It makes me laugh even if I have no idea what he thought was so darn funny.

If something catches his funny bone, he will just start laughing, even if he is in the middle of a crying fit.

Over the weekend when Christmas shopping, I purchased up a few new DVD’s for Max. I put one in for him last night while I was cleaning up from dinner. All of a sudden, he just started laughing. I go to look at the screen and it was some silly scene where a puppet was putting mail in the mailbox, he would turn around, and the mail would fly back out. It was some slap stick type humor and I was so surprised and impressed that Max “got it”. There were a few other similar scenes and he laughed appropriately at each one of them. He “got it” every time.

In some ways, Max really can be a clown and not just for Halloween. He loves an audience and will perform. Right after my niece moved in, Max was showing off for her when she came in, but she didn’t realize it and walked to the back of the house. As soon as she walked away, he stopped. I made some comment about it and N walked back into the room. As soon as she walked in, he started “performing” again. Very funny.

1 comment:

Calico Sky said...

Deb he is so so so cute!