Monday, May 02, 2005

Hospital Orientation and Pre-Registration

I have been feeling particularly uninspired lately. I was thinking that I didn’t have much to say and was going to do a quick post to say I was still alive, but nothing new, but….I realized that wasn’t quite true.

On the dog front, my dog Shadow seems to have developed a bladder control problem. The house stinks. I don’t know what to do. I got my small carpet cleaner back from my sister this weekend and spot cleaned the carpet in my office so I could stand to work in here today. It is better, but still smelly. I took her into the vet to have her tested for an infection or to see if it is related to old age. If it is an infection, she will be put on antibiotics and if not, she will be put on a supplement to see if it will help. I don’t find out until Wednesday. In the mean time, it gets smellier around here. My dogs have NEVER urinated inside. I don’t know what to do. No point in getting carpet cleaners in until the problem is resolved. Also, she has a broken tooth and needs a dental exam. This is tentatively scheduled for Friday pending the outcome of her “labs”. I am afraid to tally how much I have spent on my dogs lately.

I went to the orientation and tour for the hospital I plan to deliver in yesterday. I was able to pre-register while I was there. I was impressed and happy I made that choice.

Then, I finally was able to talk to the Doula recommended to me by my acupuncturist today. She said that the hospital I choose was the worst and she tries not to deliver out of it because they have a “transition” where the baby is removed from the mom and that they tend to induce more and have a higher c-section rate. She said my number 2 choice was MUCH better. I went with No. 1 over No. 2 because No. 1 has the highest NICU in the area and has private rooms and was rated as number 1 or two in all of the stats by my insurance carrier. See The Doula said that No. 2 has private rooms as well and that they are much more caring and accepting of the mom’s views/rights. All of this goes against what I have heard from others who have delivered there and the orientation. Of course, those that I know who have delivered there have only delivered there and of course the hospital thinks it is the greatest. I am a bit worried by what the Doula said. I am glad that a friend when with me because I am almost positive that we were told that we could decline the transition period and that what we wanted with our birthing plan, would be. We just needed to let our nurse know when we got there. I want to kick off an email to my OB and get her opinion on this, but think I will wait to talk to my friend and actually meet with the Doula first.

I am starting to realize how much I need to get done between now and August between taking birthing classes, getting the house painted/ready, and work, not to mention just the normal upkeep which I am failing at. I am getting a bit worried and overwhelmed. I just want it all to be done without having to actually do it. A neighbor was over on Saturday and we were talking about me getting the house panted. She made a comment about getting it done in May and having June to prepare the nursery. I am not panicked yet, but…am worried. The thing is….I can’t have the house painted in May between having the local mayoral election here, the Valley SMC group for a get together and having to be out of town for a few days for work. I just can’t. There is not one good week in all of May to have my house completely torn apart.

Have I mentioned that I can’t take the pee smell? It is driving me crazy.


carolinagirl79 said...

Excessive peeing, large tummy, increased appetite=Cushing's disease. Which is treatable.

Katrina said...

Oh sound so overwhelmed at the moment! I know the feeling, though not for anything quite as exciting as a baby! :)

The doula/hospital situation sounds rather unnerving. Will you stay with this doula or try another? You want her to be very supportive and positive I would think...

As for the dog pee, I am sorry. Not being a dog owner, I have no advice for you...just that I know how annoying pee smells (from my cat's litter box)...hope it goes away soon!

Deb2You2 said...

Thanks Carolina Girl - I will have to ask my vet about that. All tests came back normal, so maybe it is just related to old age. They do have something they want me to try for her though.

Katrina - Thanks for stopping by. I thought about the doula/hospital thing last night. I am going to meet with the doula, since she said it wasn't a show stopper, but decided that I would not switch hospitals because 1) it has the higher NICU, which I hope I won't need, but want as a precaution 2) Cindy, who went with me to the orientation, specifically asked about the transition period and other things that the doula was concerned about and we were told something different.