Saturday, May 28, 2005

Not one, but two

I needed today. I didn’t really do much. Got up and decided to take the dogs to the beach. Came home, made breakfast, puttered around. Decided to lie down and take a nap. Woke up an hour or so later when the phone rang. Read a book (which I just finished). Got in the pool for awhile, well sort of, I really just floated on top of the water in my deluxe floaty while reading. Went inside to pee and eat a late lunch. Started to read the chapter on Diabetes in my OB book, but didn’t really understand the details except for increased chance of motility and still birth and that not feeling the baby move very often was a VERY bad thing and that weekly fetal stress tests and additional monitoring is the standard protocol. Got a bit freaked out so I switched back to the fluff book. Fell asleep again and woke up when the phone rang again a bit disoriented. Walked the dogs. Got on the computer quickly once or twice during the day. Decided to go get Sushi take out for dinner, only California rolls with are okay when pregnant since the crab is cooked. Got back on the couch and finished my fluff book.

I can’t remember ever taking two naps in one day.

All in all, it was a very good day. The only downer is my guilt that I haven’t invited my mom to come stay the weekend, which I know that she would love to do. Normally, she would have invited herself because she likes to come. It is like a mini-vacation for her. I guess she realized that I just need a break. Maybe I will invite her over tomorrow or Monday depending on how I am feeling. All I know is that I would have never taken one, let alone two naps if she was here. And, I was feeling so tired I needed it.

I think I will try to tackle/make sense of that Diabetes chapter tomorrow when I am less tired and more able to focus/concentrate. I knew gestational diabetes wasn’t a good thing, but didn’t realize it was quite so serious.

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