Sunday, November 13, 2005

Last Weeks HIghlights

As predicted, it was a very busy week. Here are some of the highlights.

Monday - I almost got Max and I killed or at least injured in a car accident. I was driving home from Baptism class on Monday night after working all day and then setting up for the election before going to the class. They installed a new busway next to a major street. It is right next to the road with just a walkway/bike path separating them. I guess I haven’t been through that intersection at night. I was stopped at a red light going north and saw the light change and started going. I quickly realized that I had pulled into on-coming traffic. It took me a few seconds to figure out what happened; why no one else was going; and why I was in the middle of an intersection with traffic about to hit me. The backset of lights turned green so the people waiting to turn left could go, but front set of lights stayed red. The light remained green for the folks going East and luckily they were able to stop before hitting me. I was able to reverse before getting hit, but it did get the adrenalin going. Note to self, there are two sets of lights that are not on the same timer. Only go when the first set of lights turns green. Very scary. I have heard there have been several accidents in the week or two since the busyway went live. I can really understand it. It is very confusing.

Tuesday - It was a zoo around here. My garage is the polling place for my precinct. The pollworkers arrived at 6:30 am. The polls were open from 7 am – 8 pm. I helped close everything down and count the ballots. We don’t count the votes, just make sure the submitted ballots match the number of signatures in the roster and that the number of used and un-used ballots match the ballots we were given. On the non-election front, Ana, my cleaning lady, was here along with Niomi, the nanny. First time they were both here at the same time. I think it went okay. Still not certain of the nanny. Asked Ana her opinion. Ana was surprised when I told her Niomi had been a nanny for 15 years, but felt she was very trustworthy and Max would be safe. She said it may be a cultural thing and that she was caring for Max like Hispanic women typically care for their children. I asked what the difference was and basically she said that white women tend to pamper and cater to their children more (my words, not hers). I wonder if there is truth to that. In the mist of all of this, I had to run out and pick up a prescription on the other side of town for Shadow. When I got back, I was told that Max had a major meltdown and finally fell asleep.

Wednesday - Dinner with mom. Helped elderly neighbor get her heater working. We had rainy cool weather and she was using her oven to heat her house. I got my other neighbor to help because I had no idea how to light a pilot light. When we walked in you could just smell the fumes from the oven. Turns out it wasn’t the pilot light, but we got it working. Gave Jean a severe warning about using her oven to heat the house, had her leave her kitchen door open for about 10 min. to let the fumes escape, and told her to come and let me know if she couldn't get it to work gain.

Thursday - Max had another major meltdown in the morning. I was on a work call and couldn’t come out. By the time I finished the meeting, he had fallen asleep. It was very stressful, but not as stressful as it was just a few days ago. When I first went back to work, I probably would have gotten off the phone to see what the problem was. The screams did get to me and broke my concentration a bit, but I was able to carry on the conversation and finish up the call. When I went to go check on the situation, I found out that Niomi washed my very expensive/dry clean only curtains. I thought I had told her that I had them cleaned while pregnant, but they never got re-hung properly and if she had time/was looking for something to do I would love it if she fixed them. She thought I asked her to wash them. No harm/no foul. They survived the wash and we hung them wet to dry no worse for the wear. Although, I did almost start to cry when I found out. Not in front of her. In my office. To her, I said I understood it was an accident and not to worry about it because she did feel very bad. She was just trying to help and do what I want. I just wish I knew when she didn’t really understand me all the way.

Friday - Planned to run out real quick and run some errand, like grocery shopping, during lunch. Went to the store I have used for 10 years not and it was closed up. Had to go to the next closest store which was back tracking and 2 miles further. Store has different layout and it took me a lot longer to find what I needed. Got home late. Was told Max had another inconsolable crying fit and had just fallen asleep. Missed several work related calls while I was gone. Still trying to figure out work org. change. Had several calls on this. I’ve been offered this other position which would take me out of people care and give me a more project focus. I’m leaning towards staying where I am. One of my bosses wants me to take the other position because it will make his job much easier and I am a strong candidate/good fit for it. I told them I could go either way. We will see which position they are able to back fill first. Have call into the guy I would replace in the other position to ask him some questions. Left work early, but later than I wanted, to pick up one friend to go to another friends house for game night. We wanted to get there before the worst of Friday night traffic hit. We had a good time, but managed to not play one game. LOL. Got home late.

Saturday - Dragged myself out of bed and got the dogs hiked. Came home; thawed out the Chili I made last week (made a double batch and served some Tuesday night for the pollworkers) for the Single Mom’s get together; got Max and I fed; showered; loaded up the car; left a bit late, but not too bad. Realized I needed gas. Stopped. As I was pulling on the freeway (making a left turn with a left turn light), I had to break hard to not hit a car making a right turn when they didn’t have the right away and the Chili spilt all over the back of my car. Had a great time at the SMC get together. Stopped by to see a member and her new baby on the way home. Got home; walked dogs; made dinner; gave Max a bath; got him to sleep; crashed out myself.

Sunday - Got interior of car detailed. Chili stain came out of carpet and car no longer smells like burnt Chili. Came home and took a nap. Max took longer nap so I had time to straighten up the house and wash the dishes that had been sitting in the sink since Friday. Had nice day at home with Max, just the two of us.

It’s funny how things work out sometimes. Normally, I take the Baby Bjorn out of the car after I hike, because Max has decided he doesn’t like the slings anymore and I use it for both the morning hike and the evening walk around the neighborhood. On Saturday, I left it in the car just in case I needed it while out. I also put the stroller in the car just because I like to be prepared (former Girl Scout), although that isn’t really germane to this story. When the Chili spilt, it got on the Baby Bjorn as well and I wanted to walk the dogs without waiting for a load of laundry to be washed and dried. So, I went into Max’s closet to see how small the other Baby Bjorn I was given was. I had always assumed it was too small for me, but it isn’t. It worked just fine. Good to know. Now, I can leave one in the car and have one for the house. That simplifies my life just a little bit. And, hanging next to the Baby Bjorn were two crib/car toys that I didn’t realize were there that are perfect for the age Max is now. If the Chile wouldn’t have spilt, I would have never gone to look at the other Baby Bjorn and would have probably not realized I could use it or discovered the toys which had been washed and hung to dry in his closet.

Anyway, it was a busy week, especially being my first full week back to work. I’m glad I didn’t have much going on today so I could rest and recharge for next week. I have a few things going on next week, but not nearly as busy. Then, I am on vacation for a week and leave for Michigan a week from Tuesday for Thanksgiving and his christening. First airplane trip with Max. Yikes, I am so not prepared and haven’t even thought about what I need to take for him. I can back for myself in short order. Packing for us both is going to take some thought.

I’m still not 100% sure of the nanny. Max seems to be fussy and cry much more for her. He has never had an all out cry fest, been completely inconsolable where he just cries himself to sleep with me. Never. Not once. But, I am Mom. And, I have the boob. And, haven’t really trained him with the bottle. He will take the bottle sometimes, but not always. I’m not sure that it would be better with someone else. I trust her not to hurt Max and not let him hurt himself. I trust her enough to actually leave the house. I remind myself that no baby or child has ever died from crying. Max’s eyes do light up when he sees her in the morning and he gives her a big smile so I think he doesn’t completely hate her and probably does actually like her. I just wonder if it would be better with someone else. Not ready to make a change, but am going to monitor the situation through December. If I need to, maybe I will use the 2 weeks I have off around Christmas to interview others. We will see.

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