Saturday, November 27, 2004

Quick CD6 Update

Things are going well. I had a nice relaxing day and another trip to the acupuncturist. I am doing 2 treatments per week at this point for the duration of my cycle. Can’t hurt and can only help. It keeps me nice and relaxed. I had a somewhat lazy day. I was putzing around last night and didn’t get to sleep until after 11 pm. When I woke at 3 am, I was hoping I would drift back off. No such luck. At 3:30, I counted the hours and figured, what the heck, tomorrow is Saturday and I really need more sleep than I am getting. So, I took some Tylenol PM. Around 4, I drifted back to sleep until 7:15ish. This was the start of a very slow, unproductive day. By the time I got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my Lupron shot, it was after 8 before I even left for my morning hike. While this may be early for some, it is very, very late for me. It was a cool, damp, overcast day here which actually turned to light rain this afternoon/evening. I had a very enjoyable relaxing walk with the dogs while catching up with my cousin on the cell phone.

I came home fixed the outside xmas lights which had blown a fuse causing a need to split the power source. Ate the rest of my Thanksgiving left overs, and got ready for my apt.

One of the things that I have noticed over the last few days is that I seem to be constantly hungry. I am trying not to eat too much and make good food choices, but it has been hard. There is defiantly activity going on in the ovary region. I’m just a little sore/tender and feel very bloated. I really notice it when I am hiking and walking with the dogs. Those ovaries must be starting to take away space previously used by my bladder because I have needed “to go” more frequently than usual. Loose clothing is much more comfortable at this point. I can only imagine how this is going to increase since I still have at least 4 – 5 more days of stims left.

When I was laying on the acu table today thinking random thoughts and relaxing (or at least trying to), I thought….a week from today, I could be having ER. Wahoo. If things go the way I think they will, I will have my cd9 apt on Tuesday and my dr. will have me come back for another check on Thursday. I will trigger Thursday night for a Saturday retrieval and a Tuesday (12/7) transfer. We will see.

I was happy that last nights Gonal F shot was without incident. On Thursday night when I did my stims shot, I had quite a bit of bleeding associated with it which has never happened before. This was my first night mixing the Pergonal and Gonal F and I was out of practice breaking the top off the Pergonal vial and managed to get a very small chard of glass in my finger. It bled quite a bit and didn’t really stop after a minute or two of pressure so I went and put a Band-Aid on it and the bleeding flowed through the Band-Aid before stopping. The amount of bleeding was more in line with slicing your finger with a knife, not a small itsy bitsy puncture wound. While I thought it was odd, I didn’t really think anything off it so was not prepared when I did my IM shot for bleeding as well. When I took the needle out, I had a gush of blood that ran down my leg and left a trail on my floor in the few seconds for me to grab the washcloth. It was quite a mess, but did stop after a minute or so of pressure. I had pulled back on the needle so I’m almost positive that I did not put the meds into a vein, but I must have gone through one getting there. I’ve since wondered if it could have been because I had a small glass of Champagne earlier in the day while helping fix Thanksgiving dinner and a glass of wine with dinner. I haven’t had a drop of alcohol since the summer. Even though it had been over 8 hours before, maybe it still caused it? Anyway, it was odd and I am glad it didn’t happen again.

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