Monday, March 05, 2007

P4 and More Max Funnies

Started progesterone today. I’m glad that I actually saw the follicle ovulating/collapsing on the u/s because my ovary has still been a bit sore. I’m hoping it is just because it is feeling overworked by producing three follicles in one month after such a rest…like a sore muscle overused after non-use…instead of having cysts because no all the follicles ovulated and/or were egg producing. I’ve thought about calling for an u/s to check, but have decided at least for now to not since it really wouldn’t matter in the whole scheme of things. I may decided to get a 7 dpo P4 (progesterone) test on Friday, just to check things out and make sure I really did ovulate even though I saw it on the u/s myself. You know, have to have a few neurosis in a 2ww and all.

Otherwise, doing fine. I’m a bit tired. But, the progesterone will add to that. Plus, I stayed up late last night to finish a book and Max woke up in the 4 o’clock hour (which he hasn’t done in ages) calling “momma, mommy, momma, mommy” for a few minutes before he started to cry so I sucked it up and brought him in my bed where we cuddled and watched sports center, with me giving a narrative of the sports and what was happening. Fun time had by all.

Election Day tomorrow. New inspector who wanted to set up early today. For those who may not know, my garage is the polling place for my precinct. Odd for other parts of the country, but not so odd for California. We agreed upon noon. He showed up at 11 am with his wife while I was in the middle of an employee review. Great! Lovely! Good thing I have high caliber understanding employees reporting to me. Now, maybe I should stop wasting time on the computer and go figure out what’s on the ballot. There is some heated school board election going on if the phone calls and flyers are indicative of anything…and the poll asking about it. More fun times.

Max is doing a lot of other really cute things these days, but most you just have to see to get the true picture. Often these days when he wants me to pick him up, he will just curl into me and put his head on my shoulder for the longest time. Gosh. I just love moments like that even if I do get a bit tired of hearing “up, up, up, up. up” usually when I least have time to pick him up, but then do anyway and am glad I did. That reminds me, I had this really weird dream the other night about this very thing. It was just of Max saying up, up, up, up, up and tugging on my leg and following me around and I couldn’t pick him up and couldn’t figure it out and then I woke up disoriented realizing that it was only a dream.

Mondays are hard for Max after being with me all weekend. He has mastered opening my office door and barged in on an annual review, yes the same one that got interrupted by the election inspector to set up, and started screaming when he got booted out of the room and I locked the door. Poor guy.

I got all set up to put him in time out and explained what would happen if he continued to hit after a warning. And, he hasn’t done it since. I’m sure it is just a coincidence, but with him you never really can tell. About a month ago, we were out to eat and he started coughing and told him it was polite to cover his mouth when he coughed and showed him (have since learned that you are supposed to teach them to cough into their elbow instead of hand these days…who knew?). Fast forward a few weeks and am positive that I hadn’t used that word with him again and I told him it was polite to say excuse me when you burp instead of just saying “Excuse me momma I burped” for him. To which, he started coughing and covered his hand over his mouth like I had showed him once week prior. How scary is that?

Now, if I’ve told him once, I’m sure I’ve told him a thousand times that basket ball is basketball when he calls it football. I know he knows this, but think he has a harder time saying basketball (my mom thinks he is being stubborn). Probably, I should just let it go and let him call it what he wants, but I can’t. So, I just say, yes, that’s a basketball.

Max calls lemons (and oranges and limes) la la’s and uses them like balls. It’s very cute. And, I like them because they are a bit off shape and less likely to roll into the street. We have several la la trees in our neighborhood and both my next door neighbors have trees and keep my supplied. He was crying and having a fit if I could reach one to give to him and faking him out by bring him one and pretending to pick it wasn’t working anymore so I would stretch really tall and say “Uggh!, It is tooo TALL. I can not touch.” Which of course, Max now repeats with pleasure at each tree we see. Very funny! Now, when I do see them, I do tell Max they are lemons, but acknowledge his word for it as well like I do with the football/basketball thing. You know, for consistency sake and so he does grow up knowing the proper word for it when he is ready and able.

Oh right, I was going to look into the election stuff. Not feeling the motivation. Hmm, stalled enough that Max is now home. Likely not happening tonight now.

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