Saturday, March 10, 2007

One down; One to go

One week down, one week to go.

If implantation occurred, it would have occurred by now.

I completely forgot to take my progesterone a few nights ago. Woke up at 4 am and remembered then, so got up and got it from the fridge and took it then and again at my normal time. My son is as light a sleep as I am some times, because apparently me opening and closing the fridge door woke him up. Thank goodness he went back to sleep. Actually, he has been sleeping great lately, even with his routing being messed with a bit. I wish I could say the same. I’m not looking forward to the time change and hoping it goes better this way than the other. Now, most people I know wouldn’t try to change his schedule and would go with the 1 pm nap time, 8 pm bed time for a 6:30 ish wake up, but I just can’t do that schedule. I really need Max to be up at 5:30 am ish for me to start work at 9 am with getting breakfast and a walk and a shower in before hand without being too stressed and in a time crunch.

My cousin and her daughter are in for the week. They got in last night, messing with Max’s bed time. We went to a local SMC get together earlier today, messing with Max’s nap time a bit. But, I got him back on track tonight with a nice long wind down. It helped that my cousin is off with my mom to the movies so it was just Carolyn, Max, and I.

I had a nice and somewhat emotional lunch with my friend that was just diagnosed with cancer on Friday afternoon. She met with the oncologist on Friday morning who told her that 2007 will be her year to beat this. I think that shook her up more than anything because she was thinking a few months, not the rest of the year. And, if she doesn’t beat it by the end of the year, it will not be good. She found out that the cancer she has is very rare and she will likely have to do chemo too, instead of just surgery and radiation. On top of all of that she lost her dog for a few days after the dog got spooked while hiking, but has since been found. Scary emotional stuff this cancer.

Anyway, things have been fine around her except I’ve been so distracted that I keep forgetting meds (forgot the dex a few times here and there as well as the progesterone the other day). I did decide to go in for a progesterone test on Friday…just to see.

I’ve haven’t been sleeping great; a bit edgy; a bit over wired. But, so darn tired once I have a chance to stop. I have been feeling twinges and cramping a bit in the uterus area, but know not to hold much stock in that since I have gotten it on cycles that I wasn’t pregnant as well. I thought about and have felt like doing a bit of “self pleasuring” to take the edge off, but decided to forgo any purposeful uterine spasms. Oddly enough, I have also really, really wanting to drink some wine, red wine specifically, and I have a wine fridge full sitting right in my family room. The reason this is so odd is that I haven’t felt much like drinking wine since when I was pregnant with Max. I’ve opened a few bottles and had a bit and the rest just goes to waste over the last year or so. If this cycle is negative, I think I’ll open a bottle and drink some whether I feel like some or not at the time.

Anyway, one week down and another week to wait. I’m not as optimistic as I was a week ago because I’m almost positive only the lead follicle, the one we saw collapsing, ovulated and the other two are sitting there as cysts. So, instead of 3 chances, there was likely only one, but it is better than zero. I thought about going in for an u/s, but didn’t really have the time this week and figured there really was no point other than to prove myself right. Now, I’ll be crushed if the p4 test comes back under 4, especially after seeing that follicle collapse at the time of IUI, but decided I wanted to know. I’m not expecting a great number. I’d be happy with 10, fine with 9, could live with a 7 or 8 but would significantly increase my progesterone supplementation, and it is going to take the wind out of my sales if under that. Yes, yes, I know, 15 is the “minimum” for medicated cycles with supplementation, but that just won’t happen and based on my history not something I’m even worried about. I’m happy with 10 and fine with 9.

One week down, one week to go. It should go fast with my cousin here as there is something going on/scheduled every day and I’m working every day except next Friday where I think we are going to go to the aquarium for the day or as long as Max lasts.

Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve decided not to test while she is here and just waiting until a week from Monday since the 2 weeks is officially a week from today and getting a blood draw on a Saturday just isn’t worth it …unless my clinic happens to be open/a working weekend…maybe I’ll call just to check it out. No, no. I’ll just wait.

What’s two more days, right?.....said today….subject to change as “the day” gets closer.

One week down; One week to go.

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