Monday, March 19, 2007

Officially Negative

This cycle is officially a bust. Not unexpected. Still sad. I added in a progesterone test as well and it was much better 19.2. I was using some suppositories from a different pharmacy at the first part of my cycle that I really liked, but obviously, completely ineffective. I seriously thought about not taking my progesterone last night both the shot and the suppository or only doing one of them since I was almost certain that it was another failed cycle, but I knew I wanted to get a read on what the number is after switching to the other suppository and doing the PIO.

I’m actually going out with the girls tonight, which will be good. But, truthfully, all I feel like doing right now is having a good cry. And, as much fun as I have and as glad as I am after having gone out, it is hard for me to not see Max at night and put him to bed.

I’m taking a month off. At least a month off. Maybe those two follicles that didn’t ovulate that are sitting there as cysts will have gone away by then. I’m going to go on BCP’s after I get my period then do a combo clomid/injectable cycle with the meds I have left. When that doesn’t work, I’m going to take another month off and do another attempt at an estrogen priming protocol cycle. When that doesn’t work, I’m moving on to donor egg.

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