Monday, March 12, 2007


That would be my progesterone number from Friday. No wonder I’m spotting. Ha, my worst progesterone number yet, which is quite a feat since they are usually pretty bad with the worst being 7 with no supplementation on my second cycle. Sigh. I was hoping for at least a 6 or 7. Email from clinic said Dr. Q wants me to start 200 mg progesterone twice a day. Of course, I started that a week ago and told Dr. Q and the nurse assistant that I was going to, but didn’t need a prescription because I had some. Another sigh. Okay, with a score that low, spotting is likely unrelated to implantation and just flat low P4 and the break down of the lining. Oh well, not saying the cycle is a complete bust, but not likely.

However, this whole process is such a mind fuck anyway so who knows. After I posted last night, I started thinking that I am stilling having pressure in my left ovary area and about the worst possible outcome of this cycle which would be an ectopic causing me to loose my left tube. The funny thing is that it really didn’t seem as bad as it would have just a few short months ago. It would really be the final straw that pushed me to DE as opposed to trying a few more pathetic times with my own eggs.

Just got another email back from clinic, adding 1 cc of PIO and another 200 mg suppository a day. You know, just in case.

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