Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ten Hours

Well, actually it was 10 hours and 15 min., but that is how long Max slept in his crib last night without waking up. I got a solid 7, which is a full night for me, with the aid of Tylenol PM. I woke up at 4 and realized I hadn’t heard a peep all night so I checked the monitor to make sure it was on/working and heard Max stir and babble so I went back to bed wait to until he really called out and woke up an hour later realizing I must have fallen back to sleep and hadn’t heard anything else from him. Even though I figured it would be too tragic to lose my dog and my son in the same week, I walked across the house to his room to make sure he was still breathing. He was. He woke up about 15 minutes later.

This is new all time record for longest sleep by 3 hours.

I think the stars were just in alignment or something and am not anticipating a re-occurrence any time soon. He toys with me like this so I have learned. He usually sleeps terribly the night after a sleep athon.

Since I have only been breast feeding him in the night, I didn’t end up bf at all last night. I am really full and achy right now and was so tempted to bf instead of have Naomi give him a bottle. But, I didn’t.

I’m going to really miss breastfeeding.

I decided the other night that I don’t think 2 kids is enough. I think I now want 3. Now, this may just be the grief talking, but that is where my head is at the moment. I know this may seem very greedy of me, especially since I know many people who haven’t been able to have even one. And, since I am now over 40, the magical age where all fertility takes a nose dive, who knows if I will be able to have another.

When I have thought about trying again, my preference would have been to conceive one child, even though I know how much work and how insane the first few years would be. I know two SMC’s that have an older child and then conceived twins and their first child was much older than Max would be. And, I have a good friend that has twins. I have watched her twins for her (pre-Max).

Now, all of a sudden, I am thinking that wouldn’t be so bad. Since loosing Lucky, my family doesn’t seem large enough. Yes, having one dog instead of two is a lot less work especially when it is a lower maintenance dog (like Shadow) vs. a higher maintenance dog (like Lucky was). Yes, having two kids is more work than one. Yes, having three kids is more work than two. I never minded the extra work.

Like I said, it may be the grief talking. But, I don’t think so.

I am supposed to call the crematorium back and tell them what to put on the “urn” for Lucky. I got one that looks like a rock for the garden. I don’t know what I want to say and anything I can think of is not brief and would not fit in the space allowed.

I move sperm on Monday. Just finished setting it up. I’ll do it before Max’s appointment since I had to bet out that way anyway. Then, I just need to get Max fully weaned and get my period. I emailed my RE and he said we could induce a period with either BCP’s or progesterone. I need to get back to him on that.

I have so many things to do, like get my TAXES together to take to my accountant, but I just really don’t feel like it.

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