Monday, March 06, 2006

massive headache and other tales from the dark side

I’ve been having this killer massive headache that I just can’t get rid of these last few days. I’ve been thinking it was really quite odd that it was in the front top of my head consistently. Usually, if I get a headache it is stress related and on the back part of my head. This morning it occurs to me that the headache is probably NOT a result of this illness we have had around here. It is probably the result of walking straight into my bedroom door one night in the dark when Max started crying and I was going to get him.

I probably slightly concussed myself. Funny how I forgot that.

It really hurt at the time, but so did many other parts of my body. I am mostly feeling better now, other than the headache thing, and feeling tired. I still a bit stuffy, have a cough and last night I woke up drenched is sweat and changed PJ’s 3 times, but am definitely on the mend.

Other things I forgot was one night Lucky puking right in front of Max’s crib. She walks out of my bedroom and into his room and puke right in from of the crib. Was she trying to make a point? I was up for some reason at that time and heard her so went to investigate. City Boy also puked someplace that night. Don’t remember where exactly.

Then, one night in the illness blur City Boy puked 5 times. I vaguely heard one of them, but couldn’t be bothered at the time to get up and check it out. It could have been worse. One of the places he puked was on the rug on the way from my bedroom to Max’s. I did that trek several times that night. I could have stepped in it, but didn’t. He also nicely puked on the rug NEXT to my hiking boots, not on them. The other targets were on the kitchen table, on the tile floor, and on the bottom of the excersaucer. City Boy will be getting shaved soon. Upon discussion with his previous owner we think it is a result of hair balls because his fur is too long. City Boy is really a great cat if he would just stop puking so much.

I think I must be in denial about my trip. I have a billion things to do before I go. Haven’t yet done one of them. I kept hoping that it would get cancelled. I guess it is pretty unlikely at this point since directions were sent out for the dinner reservation tomorrow night. Sigh.

Boy, my head sure hurts. It hurts much worse when I cough. Oh, my achy achy head.

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