Thursday, September 01, 2005

15 days already

Hard to believe 15 days have gone by since little Max joined the world. He had is 2 week check up today and all is well. He weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz. His weight gain has been good so the dr. said I don’t need to wake him at night to feed him. Yeah! He still looks a bit yellow/jaundice to me. The ped said that he may look like that for awhile because breast milk has bilirubin in it and that back in the day before antibiotics the beli helped prevent against disease and infection. He was a tad taller, but I don’t remember the measurement. Unless there is a problem, Max doesn’t go back for 6 weeks for his 2 mo. check up when he will get all of his shots.

I was well on my way to being a news junky with lots of time to watch while feeding watching the devastation on the gulf coast. I cut myself off today after hearing the story of the mom who sent her 2 m.o. on a bus with stranger because she had had no food or water for days and was afraid he would die if he stayed with her. Can you imagine how bad it must be for a mom to do that? I just started balling. The whole situation is just such a tragedy!

The other night, Max and I fell asleep in bed with him feeding. I woke up a few hours later panicked about SIDS/suffocation because his head was a bit down and he was just so still. I tried to move him and he was like a rag doll. It was scary. I lifted his arm and it just flopped back down. I quickly turned on the light and saw that he was breathing and all was well, he was just very relaxed and sound asleep. Since, I have made sure that I have the triangle “blockers” in every place he sleeps to make sure that he doesn’t roll over and that he is sleeping on his back as recommended by the ped.

We have still been taking out the dogs twice a day. Mostly, this has been going well. Once or twice I have timed the feedings wrong or he was hungry sooner than I thought and cried a bit until I could get us to a point where I could feed him.

My peds office is right by my RE’s office. I called and they were slow this afternoon so I took Max up to show him off. Everyone was so happy to see us and I am so glad I did it. There was only one person in the waiting room. I quickly walked through and with him in the sling, most people don’t even realize he is there, but she had to hear all the cooing and talk on the other side of the door. I really hope she was at a point in the process where seeing someone else with a baby wasn’t too hard (or should I say hearing everyone go on about it). Dr. N was there and he got another lookie. Pretty much everyone has been saying that Max looks like me. I need to pull out some old baby pictures of me to compare and see. I think he does have my nose and ears.

We ventured into Target today. Got in and out without a melt down ($200 + later), although it was a close call since I was pushing the daytime feeding limit.

With the walking, the target visit, and the trip to the peds, I am very tired tonight. Max is calling for another feeding. I think I will try to make it a good one, and then put us both to bed.

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