Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Today's blood draw results

I had dinner with my mom tonight. Actually, I have dinner with my mom almost each and every Wednesday night. Except for last Wednesday, when I pleaded the pregnancy card and sent her off with my sister Julie instead. Clearly, my mom and I are on different tracks here. At dinner, she asked me if I was still loosing weight and told me that she can’t wait until I start wearing maternity clothes. I, on the other hand, am still hoping not to miscarry and that I actually get a baby out of this. I didn’t tell her this. I just said, it will be awhile yet for that.

In regards to the weight, I am a draw for the week. Haven’t gained and haven’t lost.

I went in for a blood draw today to check my progesterone. It came back at 15.75 up from 13 a week ago. Going up is good. I wanted it to go up by much more than that. My nurse coordinator said that I could go ahead and stop the progesterone supplements now. I told her that I was nervous about that because it only went up by 2 (okay, so almost 3) and asked how much of that was attributed to the 400 mg of progesterone I was adding per day. She said I could continue to take the suppositories for another week. That’s one of the things I like about my clinic. They will humor the insecure, emotional, and neurotic patients. Don’t get me wrong, it is not as if I LIKE doing the suppositories, but there is not a problem of having too much progesterone, just not enough. Why not be safe instead of sorry? I know my dr. would never have me stop if he really thought it would be a problem, but …the number just seems a bit low for me. If it had come back over 20 or doubled, then I would feel better about stopping.

I have been doing progesterone suppositories for awhile now and with all of my cycles except for the first one. A few weeks ago, I realized you were supposed to and it was easier to open them from the top instead of the bottom. I had to laugh at myself. I am not usually such a slow learner. The only reason I even figured it out was because the bottom was just fused together and would not open from the top. Hey, in my own defense, I figured they were like tampons. You would never open a tampon from the top. Right?

Nagging in the back of my mind is some information I have read about progesterone that said that low progesterone could be a sign that the pregnancy isn’t viable. I am debating about emailing my dr. about that to see if it has any truth or not. He already knows that I am “worried” about this pregnancy and a tad (okay, maybe more that a tad) paranoid, he would not be fazed or surprised by such a question from me. The question is, do I really want to know the answer?

My dr. wasn’t at the clinic when I dropped in today and the other dr. was in new patent consults all morning. I tried to talk my way into a quickie u/s for a heartbeat/growth check. It didn’t happen. I really need to take some time and find some energy to go rent one of those fetal heart monitors. The low energy, nausea and vomiting are just not enough. I need more direct signs that nothing bad has happened yet.

I was talking to my sister Cindy today. One of her friends just had a m/c and is going in for a d&c tomorrow. She was 12 weeks. Why did she tell me this? Does she not realize that stories like this just add to my worry and paranoia?

Mostly, I am doing well. I am not quite as nervous as I probably sound. However, I am not taking this whole positive outcome thing for granted. Today was a nauseous all day kind of day and I have been a tad crampy in the stomach region. Not a drop of blood spotting to be found. No puking so far, but the night is young. Some nice good pregnancy affirming symptoms. Got to love it!

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