Monday, December 04, 2006

“The” Bug

Yes, I now have the stomach bug that Max has had and I am not amused. Feel like crap. Still worked most of the day, except for those few times I just had to lay down and the trips to the bathroom. Max, of course, is feeling great today. He was thrilled that Noemi was back since all I did most of the morning was lay on the couch while he watched TV, except for a 30 min. walk around the neighborhood and the 20 minutes I let him crawl and climb around the car (hey, I was desperate). When he had enough TV he started pulling the blanket off me while I was on the couch. Where does he get this stuff? I didn’t have the energy to fight with him about it. And, just said, okay, fine, I guess momma doesn’t get a blanket. I think that was the first time he saw me on the couch and he wasn’t amused since he was now feeling better and ready to go. Poor Momma (don’t mind me, just feeling a tad sorry for myself right now). Saltines and 7-up helped to settle things a bit, but I’m just so tired and feeling so icky. And, didn’t get half of what I needed to do today at work. Sigh. Guess I will be working during my next vacation unless I pick up the pace, but I just couldn’t do it today. Think I will go rest before Max gets back so I can rally the last few hours of the day with him.

1 comment:

Calico Sky said...

I'm sorry you feel so rough.
Feel better soon.