Thursday, June 29, 2006

Odd Updates

I spoke too soon on the Max diaper rash thing. It looked like it had cleared up, but then got really bad again. Poor guy, he was really pretty miserable yesterday evening/last night with it. At least, I am assuming that was the problem. It was still a bit red/raw this morning, but does look to be on the mend. I find myself wondering what cause it. A food allergy? Recent humidity? I mean, I know the acidy loose stools/diarrhea was probably a driver, but what caused that? The only thing I can think of is something food related. I have pulled him back to standard/basic fare until bum is better.

Shadow and City Boy are such different creatures, but are getting along quite well even though they do just co-exist most of the time. This morning, both Shadow and City were outside since they had enough of Max chasing them around the house. Max gets so happy when he sees them and just charges right over. Shadow will either get up and move out of range (or move right next to me) as soon as she realizes that she has caught Max’s interest or let Max “finally” catch her and climb on her for a minute or two, until he goes a bit overboard and I make Max stop or move him, and then leaves. City will wait until Max is right next to him and is reaching his hand to get him, before just stepping out of range. It is like he is “playing” with him. He will then walk back and forth in front of Max and let Max chase him for awhile. Once or twice, Max has actually caught City. I wonder if that is an accident and City just misjudged how fast Max was or if it is on purpose to keep him interested in the game. Max just lights up when he sees them and just laughs and laughs and laughs when the animals let Max get close to them (even if the move before he can actually touch them).

Anyway, I was amazed this morning when I was standing in the kitchen switching a load of laundry to the dryer (because there was another big poo poo mess this morning when Max woke up) to hear City meowing out the side door (the one that has the doggie door installed). I look out the windows and see Shadow laying directly in front of the door basically blocking City from getting in the house. City was meowing move you big oaf, you are in my way and I want to get inside (or at least that was my interpretation). Shadow basically ignored City and made it clear she had no intention of moving. So, City walked right over behind Shadow and on top of Shadow to get in the doggie door. It was a sight to see and gave me a big chuckle.

I’m nervous, but also getting excited about the IVF cycle. I had a bunch of work meetings either cancel or go really short today so I had time to email my RE with a whole bunch of questions. Mostly, they are questions that don’t really have answers like, what do you think the odds of me getting cancelled for poor response are? Based on the protocol and my history, how many eggs do you think I will get assuming I don’t get cancelled, etc. Since there were so many, I offered to set up a consult with him to review the questions by phone if he thought it would take less time than by email. I also found out that I have to redo all my labs and cultures. Luckily, I was able to get an appointment at my OB’s office (with the other OB) for the 10th. So, just a few more things to get done and keep me occupied until the roller coaster starts again.

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