Friday, April 08, 2005


OMG, I am almost positive that I felt the baby move tonight. It was so cool. I was just sitting on the couch rationalizing that doing the floors in the morning would be much better than doing them tonight because 1) the dogs and I are likely to track in dirt after hiking in the morning and 2) I always have more energy in the morning. I was just sitting there cuddling with Lucky AND I’m pretty sure that I actually felt the kid. Very, very cool. I didn’t just feel it once, but several times over the next few minutes. Yeah! I was just reading a few hours ago an old email from my RE to respond to a progesterone question on the SMC-preg board and in it he said I should be able to feel the baby move between 15 – 20 weeks. I was thinking I would have to email him and give him a hard time sine I was 20w1 day and STILL feeling nothing, but decided to wait until 20w was completely over first.

When I was in L&D being monitored the other night and the nurse was checking the baby’s heartbeat, every few seconds it would get static’y. She said it was the baby moving around and asked if I could feel it. As I told her, “No, I wish”.

Maybe it was just my imagination, but I don’t think so. I am so happy about this!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

YEAH!!! That must be so awesome...this is what I most look forward to and hope I get to experience one day!:)