Tuesday, February 21, 2006

6 Months

Max had his 6 month Birthday last Friday. Wow, has the time flown. He had his 6 month check up on Monday (yesterday). Overall, he is healthy and doing great. However, he is too skinny. He has remained consistent in the 75% for length, but his weight dropped from 50% at 2 months, to 25% at 4 months, to less than 10% at 6 months.

Month, Head Circ., Length. Weight
Two (10/17/05) 15 3/8 23 ½ 11 lbs 3 oz
Four (12/20/05) 16 3/8 25 ½ 13 lbs 4 oz
Six (2/20/06) 17 27 14 lbs 10 oz

Dr. H wants me to do everything I can to fatten Max up in the next 6 weeks. This includes NOT weaning Max at the end of February/March 1st which was my cut off date from my RE to cycle in April. Dr. H said maybe by the end of April. A forced wean/food boycott (which is what would happen if I tried to totally wean Max at this point) is not a good idea. So, my best laid plans to wean and try for a sibling are on hold right now. Part of me is relieved because it really would be a huge battle to wean Max right now and I wasn’t sure I had the energy and emotional fortitude I would have needed to do it anyway. Part of me is sad/worried that by waiting longer I jeopardize my chances to try for a sibling. Remember, that big 40, the birth date where all fertility takes a nose dive, occurred last week.

The plan is to start Max on puréed meat/protein with puréed Lamb being the one that most kids have the least allergies and bad reactions to. Dr. H said that we may also want to have Max see an allergy specialist sometime in the next 6 months since he has had a bad reaction to so many formulas’s and prunes.

Max had another set of shots yesterday. I was prepared for a horrible night because Max screamed and screamed after his 4 month shots (was just generally fussy after his 2 month shots) and he is short on sleep from my birthday party on Saturday and all the company we have. However, he fell asleep in my arms at 5:45 still in his day clothes. He slept solid until about 9:30 pm (when I was about to go to sleep). I fed him and tried to put him back into the crib. He fought it and ended up in bed with me for the night eating on and off at his whim. Woke up at 4 am to work on a BM. After the diaper change, we dozed and played until 6 am when we got up for the day. All and all, it was anticlimactic. Thank goodness!

My sister from Atlanta was here for a day and a half. It was great to see her, but wish it could have been longer.

My cousin is here until next Monday with two of her three kids.

Been busy here and I am tired. But, it is all good.

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