Tuesday, February 14, 2006

102.2 and our night

That was Max’s temperature last night at 8 pm. I put him to bed at 7 pm. Made some dinner, started catching up on the prior days Olympics that I had recorded on the DVR, started eating dinner, was almost done, but not yet finished and/or cleaned up, when Max woke up. He wasn’t crying or fussy, but he was awake. I was holding him trying to rock him back to sleep when I noticed that he his head and shoulders were radiating heat. His feet and legs were cool, but his head was hot, hot, hot. So, I go take his temperature and it rises, and rises, and rises until it hit 102.2. I call my friend, the one who is the pediatrician, and ask her what to do. She asks for Max’s weight, gives me the proper dosage for Tylenol and Motrin. We talk about a few what if scenarios like if it spikes in the middle of the night, etc. I drug him up, nurse him and we both crash out. Yes, with him in my bed with me, him stripped to his diaper (as instructed). He wakes up at 11:30 ish crying. I take his temperature it has dropped to 98.2 and still too early to give more meds. He is still crying so we get up and go into the other room so I can rock him. After 5 or so minutes, he burps; he farts; he is feeling better and ready to go back to bed. We are good until about 2 am when he is up again. Take his temperature again. Back up, but only to 100.1. Give more Tylenol. Max is awake and fidgety. He can’t get comfy. We try the mom on back Max lying across mom’s tummy in a position where he can suckle on and off as he wants. Soon, it becomes clear he is working on a poo poo. Two thirty and he is more than ready for a diaper change. This ends up involving a complete change for him (which wasn’t much just a diaper and a onezie), a change for me since it leaked onto my PJ’s when I carried him to the changing table, and a new changing table cover. We both make it back to sleep until about 6:10 am when I get up to get ready for a work call that I agreed to while Max sleeps in a bit. His temperature has been down all day so far and his had a long (2hr 10 min) nap this morning so maybe he was able to quickly fight it off. He is such a trooper. Even sick he is just so good. I am so proud to be his momma.

Formula #4 is still working relatively well. Some gas, but not bad. We tried to give him pure formula yesterday with no breast milk mixed in. The kid refused to eat it. He said it was a good try, but no way. We mixed in some breast milk and haven’t tried again. Maybe in a day or two when he is feeling better.

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