Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ring, Ring -- SMASH, CRASH, BASH goes the phone

I think I may really hate my family right now. Okay, maybe not hate, but I am seriously annoyed with them. All I wanted was a little nap. Yes, it was only 9:30 in the morning, but Max was tired. I was tired. If I didn’t nap when I got the chance, he would be wide awake and wanting attention. There are no second chances. I swear, my phone rang over 15 times in the hour I tried to lay down and take a nap. Max is sleeping peacefully. He will be alert, awake, and wanting attention soon. His mommy will still be seriously tired and grouchy.

Why was my family being so annoying and calling and calling and calling? Was there a problem? Someone hurt? Someone injured? Anything remotely serious?


My sister’s plans got cancelled for today and she wanted us to now drop everything and have her birthday lunch. When I mentioned how annoying it was to get so many calls because I was trying to take a nap. She said, well, it’s early, how would I know that you were trying to sleep!

HELLO! Can I just say for the record, it doesn’t matter what a person is doing. It is inconsiderate to repeatedly call someone when they don’t pick up. If they wanted to or was able to get to the phone, they would have done it the first place. Somehow, I should not have to explain this to them. I don’t know why I even bother to try. They will not change. They do not get this simple concept.

Fine, whatever. I will go on the stupid birthday lunch where my sister drinks to much and everyone else is happy and cheery and if one person says I am crabby. I think I will either cry or hit them.

Bottom line is that my window for a nap today is gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.

And, I really needed it. Any good mood I have in me today, I am going to save for my cute little boy. It isn’t his fault I am tired. He really only woke twice. Ate, and went back to bed. Yes, he was up at 5:30 am this morning wide awake, coo’ing and ready to play. I can’t fault him. I tried to tell him that this wasn’t a work day, we could sleep more. He didn’t get it. Not his fault.

Lucky’s tummy was bothering her again. She wasn’t eating. I shoved a prescription anti-nausea medicine down her throat at about 2 am. I tried to give her some canned food because once she gets something in her tummy, she is usually fine. She wouldn’t eat it. First time she has turned her nose up to canned food. Before our hike this morning, I shoved another pill down her throat and she actually ate some of it. Good sign. Disconcerting on why she keeps getting so nauseous and stops eating. Vet doesn't know. Only more very expensive test to rule out one thing after another is left to try. I keep hoping it is just a phase and will go away.

At some point in the middle of the night, she must have been out and was trying to get back onto her spot on the bed. City Boy was in her spot and refused to move. So, she started whining. I wake up. See what is happening. Tell CB to move and go to his own bed. He shakes his head fine and saunters over and settles down. Lucky climbs up and I try for a bit more sleep.

That’s the type of stuff making me so tired. I don’t think I got more than a two hour stretch of sleep at a time last night.

All I wanted was a f-ing nap. Sigh!

Don’t tell me I should just have turned the phone off. Don’t. Not in the mood. When I laid down with Max, I was just out of the shower. I didn’t really know that he would fall asleep. I was so tired that getting out of bed to get the phone or turn it off was too much effort. Had I know that my idiot family was the culprit, I would have. But, by the time I had to get up, all chance of a nap is lost. I am just not that great of a napper, especially so early in the morning.

Don’t feel sorry for me. I will hopefully get some sleep tonight. It is very rare to have two such bad nights in a row. Just vow to never, ever repeatedly call someone just because YOU want to talk to them at that precise moment. Think about them. They must not want or be able to talk to you just then. Get over yourself. Be a little considerate. Just DON’T DO IT.

And, that is all I have to say about that on this subject.

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