Monday, December 05, 2005

Where’s Debbie been?

What has Debbie been up to lately?

A. Having a three day battle with exterior Christmas light, getting extremely frustrated and regretting even starting the project after seriously thinking about not even putting up lights in the first place this year

B. Tending to her young son who has been boycotting sleep the last few days, including waking up at 5 am on the weekend wide awake and ready to play and be entertained and only napping for 10 – 30 min. at a time then waking up screaming

C. Visiting/Talking with IRL family and friends, including but not limited to discussing what jerks the guys in their life are and, for those not married to the jerks, why they should/should not/did break up with them

D. All of the above


Sabrina said...

I'm going to guess D just because it sounds like the right answer?? LOL

Deb2You2 said...

Yep, D was the correct answer. LOL. I intended to come back later and post that, but ended up falling asleep at 8:30 in bed while feeding Max.