Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The little things

These days it seems like it is the little things that can make a day. Like today. I got my hair washed and dried before work. No time since the weekend and it really needed to get done. And, I didn’t think it would happen because we got moving and out of the house late (6:45 am). I got the low fuel message as I pulled up to the trail head to park so I needed to stop for gas on the way home. I need about 40 min. extra in the normal get ready routine to wash my hair. Since I had a 9 am work meeting/call, I needed to be home by 8 am ish and Max needed to be asleep/not need to be fed for the hair wash thing to happen. And, it did. I just put the car seat, with him asleep in it, into the bathroom with me. When he started to stir, I quickly shut off the light and showered in the dark. LOL. Of course, I just pulled it immediately up into a ponytail out of the way because my work headset gets caught into other things and Max is starting to grab. Much better to have it out of the way.

I’ve been really, really tired lately. My ass is just dragging. I don’t seem to have the energy for anything. Not getting any less or more sleep (in general) than usual. I thought it may have been because of the high winds we had for a few days, but they have been gone for a few days and I am still tired. I hate it.

I was all set yesterday to leave Max and Niomi home while I went to the dr.’s again. I mentioned it to Niomi and she got a funny expression on her face so I asked her if she wanted to go with. She did. So, we all trekked off to the dr. so I could have more liquid nitrogen placed on the mammoth mole that grew during my pregnancy.

I have so many things work and personal to get done. Don’t feel like doing a one of them. I can’t wait until the 19th when I am on vacation again. I do like my work, just not into it at the moment.

I haven’t even managed to unload my digital camera (let alone actually order any prints..since Max was born…so sad) so that I can take more. I need to get one of him as Eskimo Baby and Baby Santa. It is really not that hard. It really won’t take that long.

Still trying to decided whether or not to do Christmas cards and/or birth announcements. Not enough energy or desire to research it and/or actually make a plan.

I guess I am still a bit stuck in that I would like to be a stay at home mom pattern. Niomi has grown on me. We are both much more used to each other and things are going very well in that regard. I’m actually getting very used to someone pickup after me and, heaven forbid, make my bed everyday. I actually cooked last night. It had 5 ingredients and required backing. Actually, I couldn’t find the recipe and after eating it I am sure that it was supposed to have more than 5 ingredients because it didn’t taste that great, not bad, but not good either. Anyway, I digress. I only piled the dishes in the sink with some water so the food wouldn’t get stuck on and left them instead of washing them or putting them into the dishwasher. Yes, mild guilt over it, but not so guilty I didn’t do it.

I know that I am so fortunate that get so see and feed Max during the day. Maybe I would be more focused if I was getting out and separated more often.

I’m still thinking about trying for another next year. The thought of weaning Max in a few months depresses me though. I keep telling myself to cross that bridge when I am there. We may both be ready by then. My dr., the one that I saw yesterday, has a 5 ½ month old, and said that she is stopping. She said that both she and the baby are ready for that now. I hope that will be the same for Max and I.

I guess I am just in a bit of a funk.

Have I mentioned how tired I am?

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