Saturday, July 25, 2009

So far so good

N is completely off of phenobarbital now and doing quite well. Maybe the OT was right and the had banging/tapping was related to having a head cold as it only happened those two days. The early childhood development therapist didn't seem to think it was sensory as much as she is now starting to be more aware of her body, including her head now that she isn't under the influence.

Max has mostly been dry at night, I thought except for once until tonight when I went to put him to bed and found a wet pair of PJ bottoms on his bedroom floor. I guess that's why he woke up so early this morning. I didn't realize it because he had put on a different/new pair before coming into my bed.

I'm up making waffles, because I've been wanting too all day and didn't get the chance. I was almost too tired to even clean up the kitchen after the kids went down, but made myself since the dishwasher really needed to be run. I'm glad I rallied. The waffle iron and I are still getting to know each other and I keep trying different recipes that cook differently, but all good so far. We will see how this batch freezes. I think I'm going to look around for another iron or two so I can cook more at one time. Freecyle here I come...when I get a spare minute or two.

1 comment:

Laura in L.A. said...

Yay, N! So glad to hear. And I am so impressed that you are up at 10:00 at night making waffles! I get tired just thinking about it. :):)

Love, Laura