Saturday, April 28, 2007

Remember, not cycling

Remember, I’m not cycling this month. That’s why I didn’t call the clinic* on a whim and go in for an u/s yesterday afternoon when I felt a nice plump follicle on the left side. That’s why the u/s I didn’t have didn’t show a 17 mm follicle and a good lining at 10.something. That’s why I didn’t trigger about 10 minutes ago. And, that’s why I won’t be going in for an IUI at 7:15 am Monday morning with Max in toe. Well, you know. I have no self control, that’s why I had to go on BCP’s last month. After all, this month could be the good egg; the one for which I have been waiting. Yes, it’s unlikely, but possible. HAHAHAHA, yeah, not cycling. Hey, if this one works, it will be the first time I’ve ever gotten pregnant on an unmedicated cycle. Yes, yes, I know, it’s unlikely. But possible.

I did a post up the other day going through all of my labs and what’s been going on since I last posted, but apparently – sadly-- that post is lost without ever having been published. And, since Max woke up at 3:30 am soaked completely through and never went back to sleep, I’m wiped out and going to pick up a bit and then crash.

* I heart my clinic. When I called to see if they had any doc’s in late on a Friday afternoon and if they had any openings for an u/s, they laughed told me yes Dr. Q was in; no they didn’t have any openings; but get here when I get here and they would fit me in. I love that kind of service. I really do.

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