Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Progesterone Results

My P4 number was 10.9. I’m thrilled with that. Really and truly. I have to say that this is the best ever 7 dpo P4 number I have ever had. Makes one wonder if maybe this cycle actually did work. Wouldn’t that just be the best? After all the struggles the last 14 months trying for a second to work on an unplanned, unmedicated cycle. Hey, I’d take it. Of course, I did add back in the acupuncture this time in preparation for cycling. And, I’m sure psychosomatic, but I have been feeling uterine “twinges” ever since I got the results. Ah, only 5 more days until beta. And, no, I will not be pee’ing on a stick. Hate them. Don’t believe in them. Never got a positive HPT until after I got a positive beta.

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