Friday, January 12, 2007


Max vomited last night while sleeping again. And, was fussy* a bit this morning, but I think that was because it was really cold on our walk this morning, colder than I thought it would be and I forgot/didn’t think to bring his mittens and don’t think he was dressed warm enough. Once I got him warmed up, he was basically fine the rest of the day. He has no fever. My theory is that he is teething again. He is getting some mammoth back teeth in. Last month, they were the upper teeth** and this month the lower ones are coming in. They are huge. They look like adult teeth in a small child’s mouth. His poor gum is all red and swollen. I think what is happening is that since his teeth are bothering him, he is putting his fingers in his mouth while he sleeps causing him to gag and vomit. He has actually put his fingers in his mouth and started to gag a few times during the day, but Noemi and I tell him to stop, take them out, and he is more easily distracted. I didn’t come up with this theory until this afternoon after his nap, where he did not vomit, but really hadn’t eaten anything today to vomit up. He still really wants his milk, but refused dinner (chicken and rice). Then, wanted to snack on “fish” which he put right on the gums and I think made them feel a bit better. I gave him a teething toy he had never really used, but we have had forever and he did gnaw on that happily for several minutes. I spiked his milk tonight with some Tylenol. We will see how things go. It is just kind of odd that no one (including me who he has been “sharing” his milk with at night) has gotten sick and he is only vomiting at night. It’s an odd symptom, but I think it is the teeth. Poor guy. I hope they get in soon because it looks really sore.

Since I am going out of town next week, I typed up Max’s daily routine and tried to post it, but I have it in a table and the formatting is all screwed up so I’m not going to bother. I thought about scanning it and posting it as a picture, but I’m too tired and it feels like too much effort.

* screamed for the last few minutes of our walk and for about 10 minutes after we got home, which isn’t like him, until I had a soothing DVD on and we cuddled in the rocking chair under a warm blanket for awhile

** when he vomited for the first time ever a few times and again only in his sleep

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